RE: Sometimes the struggle between capitalism and socialism seems like a struggle whether to crown greed or envy in the human heart, all perfidy.

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Sometimes the struggle between capitalism and socialism seems like a struggle whether to crown greed or envy in the human heart, all perfidy.

in economics •  5 years ago 

We have never had a socialist society, as envisaged by the pioneers of socialism such as Robert Owen, Saint Simon, Gracchus Babeuf, Karl Marx, Frederich Engels so I am not sure what you are basing your very negative view of socialism upon.
History is full of examples where for brief periods, under great duress, socialist societies have been created by the mass struggle of ordinary people introducing a democratic socialist society. The Paris Commune 1870-71, Russian Revolution 1917-1920 and Catalonia 1936-37.
The tenets that these societies tried to introduce were democratic management of the commanding heights of the economy so ordinary people could start to take control of their lives. Solidarity and optimism in the potential of the human spirit reigned supreme during these brief beginnings.
They incentivized people to strive and build a better world based upon the principles from each according to their ability to each according to their needs.The positive human values espoused were the diametric opposite of the evils attendant in capitalism throughout this period.

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