Another advocate for Tax Cuts and how to cope with a recession

in economics •  6 years ago 

For anybody doubting unconditional tax cuts, I'm happy to see that I'm not alone. However, you must keep in mind that tax cuts mean taxing less. This shouldn't be confused with printing money and giving it to the supply side in order to stimulate the economy. The latter adds to the deficit.
"It's not the job of the government to decide what portion of the spending should go to consumption (demand side) and what portion of it should go to investment (supply side)." because any attempt at doing so, by the government, is a distortion that leads to improper distribution of wealth and might as well create bubbles.
"During a recession, the best thing to do, is to stay put and not spend at all. This not only keeps the inflation low and provides a much needed relief, but also saves you from the burst of inflation that lies ahead of stagflation."
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