China paving the way for state run systems motivated by profits for the oligarchs?

in economies •  3 years ago 


Nine of the ten largest seaports in the world are in Asia. Seven are in China. Rotterdam in Europe is tenth. LA Harbor is the biggest in the Western Hemisphere. Its been owned by China since Clinton sold out in the 90s.

Economics is the study of the distribution of goods and services to the populace. There are various hybrids but the two primary systems of distribution are the free market system and the State owned system. The free market system historically has proven to be more efficient because of the profit incentive.

The acquisition of wealth drives CEOs and politicians. CEOs lean towards a free market system and politicians lean towards a State run system. In today's global market, which is here to stay, hybrids consisting of a state run system motivated by profit for the oligarchs running the system will dominate. China has moved to the top of the economic food chain because of several factors.

They have a vast and cheap labor supply, a wealth of natural resources and an unscrupulous government oligarchal system with total power. The other countries of the world, if they're smart, will maneuver themselves into competitive positions with regards to China through trade deals. Countries with the greatest buying power have the greatest leverage. The US has the greatest buying power of any nation on earth.

America has the greatest buying power simply because we have become a nation of people obsessed with material comfort. We own cars, single family houses, condos, air conditioners, central heating systems, wardrobes, processed food supplies, adult toys like boats, and we have access to medical care. We are very high on the standard of living scale and income scale globally.

As a businessman all my life who enjoys making a profit because thats my nature it is as obvious as getting hit with a truck that a man like Donald Trump at the helm is going to negotiate a better deal for us in the global market than an ideological puppet like Joe Biden who is serving an anti-colonialist communist from Kenya who hates America because he was taught as a child by the various adults in his life to hate America. In fact it is so obvious that my opinion of people in this country who supported Biden over Trump is that they are damaged goods. You know...the elevator just doesn't make it to the top floor.

Lockhart Blogs

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