Simple branding can be defined as a "branding" of a product with the aim of giving consumers an indelible impression (impression). Etimological branding comes from that word, which is often interpreted as a collection of experiences and associations related to services, people, or other entities. Later, the brand is also interpreted as a cultural accessory and personal philosophy.
A mark is an identity or personality that identifies a product, service or institution in the form of a name, sign, symbol, design or combination of these things, and how it relates to the identification of key components such as markets, members, funding, etc. other people. Brands can also be translated as the amount of consumer knowledge about what is known, thought, perceived and associated with products and services or institutions.
Brands are usually divided into two, brand experience and brand image. Experience Brand Experience Market or consumer marketing for their contacts on the brand. While the brand image is made in terms of psychological problems, namely the symbolic building in the minds of the consumer market or which consists of all the information and expectations that are often associated with the product or service brand. Brand image is often associated with thoughts, images, feelings, perceptions, beliefs or attitudes. The brand's importance from the largest to the most detailed of a product or service; from personal characters to letters and logo colors used and from physical to non-physical.
Therefore, there are experts who claim that the brand is an umbrella in marketing because the brand pervades every detail of the marketing strategy. While overall branding activity is to create a brand equity, which refers to the value of a brand based on loyalty, awareness, quality perceptions and brand associations. Branding should not only show the superiority of a product, but also anchor the brand in the minds of consumers.
In the political arena, branding is often defined only as a picture or development of a candidate's image, ie as a candidate's personality. Branding is more than that. In this study, as all political branding experiences, activities and psychological elements are defined to create a remarkable, unique, exciting and powerful political brand that can have an effect on consumers' minds. In good political branding construction, technical requirements to be met, messages are clear and communicative, strengthening the credibility of self supply, to connect potential market target brands, to motivate the target market, constantly target market loyalty.
Base to build. In order to succeed in branding, candidates need to know the needs and wants of the market and prospects. There are five levels of brand strategy applied in political branding candidates, with the first level being Brand Awareness. At this point the candidate will present himself to potential voters. The results at this stage are the voters "know" and know about the existence of the candidate. Second, the Brand Knowledge Stage. At this point, potential voters have begun to have more knowledge and understanding of candidates.
The result of this phase is that voters already know the whereabouts of the candidate and begin to understand the political intent and the candidate program. Third, the level of brand preference. At this point, potential voters have begun to compare candidates with other candidates by giving candidates a positive outlook than other candidates. This phase shows the success rate of the candidate's position. Fourth, Brand Liking Stage. In this phase, potential voters begin to like the candidate and intend to vote on the election. When a candidate has reached this level and achieved the result, his position has entered the safe area in the first stage.
But you have to remember that a person's preference can still be influenced and even changed with the conditions that come later Fifth, the stage of brand loyalty. At this point, candidate voters are loyal to the chosen candidate. Voters already have strong convictions to support and select candidates and will not vote for other candidates.