The first error one can make is calling capitalism a system, a system has to have logic and planning, capitalism is fiscal anarchy.
If value is what is compensated and not the labor, like Marxism fails to understand, then the way capitalism works is by producing value, for example, a teacher can spend more than less the same amount of labor teaching a class of 10 students or a class of 30, but there is no doubt the teachers labor is more valuable if it teaches 30 students over 10, so 30 students paying the teacher makes the teacher earn more than 10 students paying.
If the teacher has lots of money, they may lower prices for each individual student because their need for money lessons and now they are only charging for disposable income and what they feel they deserve rather than what they feel they need.
This is important to understand because it debunks the Marxist error of labor theory of value, labor isn't valuable, value is produced by labor and is the sole terminator on how much you get paid in simple logic.
But it gets more complicated than that, because a poor person who earns 5 monetary units an hour will find 50 monetary units more valuable than a person who owns 20 an hour.
If i have to explain what monetary units are, this lesson is to complicated for you and maybe you should quit.
So proceeding on, if something is for sale on a fixed price, the product will always be valued more and cost less to the rich compared to the poor, under capitalism because poor people work harder for their money than rich people per monetary unit, think of it like a car that can top 25 an hour and one that tops 50, it takes twice the time and effort to travel for the person who can only do so 25 an our over 50 an hour so therefore the price to ship goods would be priced higher for the person who has the slower car because it takes more effort to accomplish the task which has the same amount of value.
This is at the root of the many injustices of capitalism, the system is rigged against poor people, not only are cars slower for poor people but they are also more expensive to buy and maintain relative to income earned per time and labor input.
We communitarians don't always have all the answers but it is our duty to brainstorm and engineer solutions and lobby for them to be put into practice, because justice, morality and equity matter and the biggest weapon a populist can have is a sincere problem solving education that is guided by a good philosophical understanding of how the world works.
Understand that value and price don't have to be mutually dictatorial of each other and they shouldn't be, a starving person in the desert should never undergo class predation just because he's desperate for water, the price of his water should cost no more than it would cost for someone under the absence of circumstancial coercion.
The same thing applies to price gouging and all forms of class predation that force the populus to undergo circumstancial coercion and be robbed of surplus value, the profit motive economy is backward and must be abolished, this is the unitive and mandatory stance of the Communitarian philosophy and political party.