Real Economic State of Today

in economy •  8 years ago 

I had wrote my first post from a historical point of view, now a current affairs one. I will be posting 1 historical post on a timeline then a current affairs post daily until the times match up. We are in very dangerous financial waters as I speak, we have interest rates near zero or even negative in some cases (Japan, Eurozone, etc...), the entire system is on life support and has been since at least 2008 let me explain why. We have a system in the US (adopted globally) where the Federal Reserve (Private Bank) creates money out of thin air and loans to the Government at interest therefore insuring there is never enough money in the system to pay off the debt and insuring that we go further and further into debt no matter what we do. For every dollar the government spends it has to be borrowed with interest from a bank that the government has zero right to look at the books or tell what to do, the Federal Reserve is the MOST Powerful entity in America, the President can't pick up the phone and tell Janet Yellen what to do and Congress can't say I want to see your books, the FED answers to literally nobody!! So if I create 1 dollar and loan it to you at 5% interest, I created the dollar out of thin air so there is a total of 1 dollar in circulation because I made it, when I ask for interest from you, where are you gonna get the interest? Remember I created the dollar and it is the only one in existence and I'm asking for $1.05 back when there is a total of $1 in existence. Now multiply this by just 1 of the annual budgets of the past 5 years so if I create $1.2 Trillion and ask for interest where in the hell is that gonna come from and that is just 1 year people. The way our economy appears to be in decent shape is by interest rates being at .5% in the US, Stock buybacks (Companies buying their own stock to inflate the price), bond buying and Govt. Stimulus bills. When interest rates are low it makes no sense for banks to hold the money it makes sense for them to put it in the economy, now this would be a somewhat beneficial thing if it weren't for Bill Clinton repealing Glass/Steagall before he left the White House. This piece of legislation made it so banks had to be banks for the most part, what I mean by that is loan money to people and business's. By taking this legislation away it allows the "Investment" Banks to take bets on commodities, currencies, derivatives (real estate) etc... We also observe what's called "Fractional Reserve" banking in this country (adopted globally), what this states is that a bank can loan 10 times what is deposited in the bank because everyone would never come all at once to take their money out of the bank, the way this works is when you go to take a loan out the bank clicks a button and literally creates the money out of thin air to put in your account, pay the auto dealer, the title company (for your home) etc... roughly 97% of money created is created by banks in America. By taking away Glass/Steagall the big banks can create money out of thin air and take risky bets in the Forex (Currency) markets or commodities, now with some tweaks made to fractional reserve banking along the way they can basically create an unlimited multiplier because the 10 times cap was removed when dealing with Savings Accounts. They can also play the derivatives game which is in a nutshell buying lets say 1000 mortgages from mortgage bankers then taking that grouping breaking it up lets say to groups of 100 and selling the 10 packages of 100 mortgages to make a profit. It doesn't matter if people can pay the mortgage which is why we had such rampant foreclosures in 2008, banks were doing this but in the millions of mortgages and whoever is holding the bundles when the clock strikes midnight is SOL. Eventually it becomes a realization that the payments aren't being made and the bundles (Tranche) of derivatives (Mortgages) becomes basically worthless. This is why Lehman, Bear Stearns and AIG suffered the fate that they did, they were in such horrible shape for being so exposed that there was no bringing them back but the were consumed by the larger Wall Street banks along with others such as Washington Mutual and Countrywide Home Loans so this was a great time of Consolidation making the already "To Big to Fail" Banks that much bigger. The reason that they can't be allowed to fail is that if they do the depositors will lose their money, yes FDIC insurance will replace UP to $250,000 to the depositors but do you really think that if we have lets say $100 Billion that had to be paid to depositors that they would get fully covered to the $250,000 I sure don't think so and what about those that have more than that in the bank lets say their entire life savings, what about them oh tough shit Mr. and Mrs. Johnson you've been saving your entire life and have accrued $2 million (Not a ton of money today) here is $250,000 better luck next time. This is why the bailout happened because the system is so flawed to the core we are stuck with this, now Mr. Hope and Change was gonna fix the corruption in America in 2008, he enters the White House with a Filibuster proof majority in the Senate and a majority in the House so the Democrats (Party of Main Street) LMAO tap Barney Frank and Chris Dodd to set up a financial bill to fix the corruption or so we were told. Then the passage of Dodd/Frank which I'm sure you heard touted by Hillary Clinton this go around as a great piece of legislation to protect Americans. What Dodd/Frank does is this, it makes it much tougher for small community banks to borrow money from the Federal Reserve which affects their liquidity and it increases regulation on those same community banks 10 fold from what it was before without doing much of anything to the large "Investment" Banks, the reason I put Investment in quotes is because it is the word that exempts these institutions from the major increase in regulation. For them it is business as usual, community banks are not allowed to create money to trade commodities, Forex or play in the derivatives game and if they make bad loans to people that can't pay they go out of business and close down. The small banks are the lifeblood of rural communities funding anything from the Fair to Scholarships to the High School Football team and they actually make loans to small business and people to better the local economy so this legislation by increasing their regulations makes them spend alot more money on accounting, self audits etc... therefore increasing their fees to their consumers just to be able to make a profit and stay in business knowing if they fail 99% of the time so does the entire town!! Now the large banks are doing exactly what they did in the lead up to 2008 but only on a much bigger scale, look up ghost cities in China, completely vacant brand new buildings in Beirut and London just to name a few, these places are being built with all the extra money pumped into the system by the Central Banks then the mortgages are being purchased by the large Investment Banks and broken up into Tranches and sold just like what caused the "Great Recession". Meanwhile in America the fake news (CNN, MSNBC, FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC) just to name a few would have us believe the economy is doing great. After the latest jobs report in December CNN said "Best Jobs Report in 9 Years" and Obama's gift to Trump "The Economy" now the latest jobs report caused the dollar to go down vs other currencies that day because the participation rate dropped once again, average earnings dropped and hours worked on average per week remained the same, manufacturing lost jobs but their was a gain of 22,000 Government Jobs so it was actually a terrible jobs report but this shows the Propaganda Machine that is the Main Stream Media. When the participation goes down you have less people in the work force so of course the unemployment rate goes down if it didn't that would be catastrophic. The final point I'll address in this post is that with every recession in the past we've gone into it with interest rates at at least 7% so there was room to cut the rates and increase the money supply to get us out of the recession but with rates in America at .5% there is no room to cut so the next recession will be our last and it's coming very soon my friends, the players that have caused every recession in the past to consolidate and gain more power are doing the exact same things they did leading up to 2008 which caused that mess but worse was averted due to cutting interest rates to near zero. This option is not and option this time around. How could we possibly not go into recession if nothing has changed? Why would any large investment bank change their ways when they got bailed out by the taxpayer once before and NOBODY WENT TO JAIL or was even indicted for that matter? I know this was a long one and I thank you for taking the time to read it, good luck to you all!!

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I have been looking around at how others post and I apologize to you guys for not breaking this up into paragraphs and making it cleaner. I will be making future posts much easier to read, I'm new to this and very raw but do have enough information to write a book. Future posts will be much better and thank you again for taking the time.