RE: Social Emotional Intelligence: some whys and some hows of sowing new seeds

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Social Emotional Intelligence: some whys and some hows of sowing new seeds

in ecotrain •  5 years ago 


Reading this post immediately made me think of non-violent communication and how that seems to relate to or crossover social-emotional intelligence. The title is definitely what grabbed my attention so good job on that! The term social-emotional intelligence is a new enough term for me to ask myself;
"Do I actually know what social emotional intelligence is?"
To which my honest answer was;
"Well maybe not but I have an idea..."
As I read your post I began to feel you putting words to thoughts I have been having lately. Thoughts like;
"Why does it often seem so hard to communicate with each other?"
"Where is all the compassion?"
"Why aren't people treating each other they way they want to be treated?"

I decided to check out the link you shared to Teaching Tolerance. I clicked on the lessons tabs and the first thing to pop up:

"Why Do We (Still) Celebrate Columbus Day?
In this lesson, students will address misconceptions they likely have about Christopher Columbus and the colonization of what is now the United States."

I think these sorts of potentially uncomfortable topics of conversation DO need to be discussed and really picked apart in the classroom in a constructive manner in which everyone can learn from. I have long since felt that we (U.S.) will never get anywhere as a nation until we face the music about some of the deeply rooted and ever-present issues we have in this country founded on genocide and slavery. I am of the opinion that we cannot heal from these traumas as a collective until we all can first acknowledge them.

One of the ways in which I feel we can all engage in social-emotional intelligence is by setting an intention each day to remain loving no matter what arises. Now this may seem challenging for some but try and make it your dominant intention each day and renew this intention throughout the day as often as you feel necessary. I was inspired to do this after listening to and I can honestly tell you it has made a notable different in my life and in the way I feel and show up each day. It doesn't take much for us to make kindness a priority and choose our words carefully. Communicating your message with tact cannot be underestimated. I think it is important for all of us to cultivate this skill. I personally strive to get better at this each day. I am a sensitive and emotional being and never want to hurt anyone's feelings, intentionally or otherwise. I think its important to see ourselves in others and see others in ourselves to the best of our ability.

In conclusion it makes me very happy that schools are incorporating social-emotional intelligence into there lesson plans. I come from a family of teachers and so I think I have a natural interest in our education system. Thank you for sharing this quality content! <3

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Thank you @colibrifremedies for your quality reply! Teaching Tolerance is a gem. I used it all of the time as a public school classroom teacher, and use those lessons now with my own children as part of our daily life unschooling "curriculum." I just started reading Nonviolent Communication - my partner has been through some of the training and totally resonates with it. I agree that this method is a mindful way to live life and raise little people. I will check out the other resource you recommended too 🌱

@bia.birch You are very welcome! Yes unschooling is extremely important. It's a constant process to undo all the constant programming. I am still learning a lot about nonviolent communication day by day in my own life and in reading. I havent been through any of the training although that would seem like a logical next step. Perhaps I will look into it!

P.S. - The resourse, although not directly related to non violent communication or social-emotional intelligence IS completely connected and one might argue a perfectly divine embodiment of those very concepts...enjoy! <3