Do We Need Food? A short personal story of a Lunar Eclipse Healing, Breathing Prana, Angels, Magic, Miracles and Transformation!

in ecotrain •  6 years ago  (edited)

This past week has been unusual, and also very special... I could even say enlightening! Some of you reading this will know that I have been struggling with a breathing problem for about 5 years, and even fund raised to get some help with it. I have also been dealing with some personal issues and life changes that have been very challenging and this past month or two have have not been fun! Life is a strange and special thing, and I find it fascinating how our thoughts and perspectives on things can change so quickly and so dramatically so that our view of our lives and the world can change in a heartbeat. Sometimes life can also bring us an Angel that appears in our lives and leaves us with magical and special gifts that can turn our world around. That it what happened to me two weeks ago, and ended up with me not wanting or needing food, and discovering the real magic of living on prana and feeling a new connected state of being and breathing that feels altogether different!And guess what;s happening with my breathing?! Here's what happened....

A neighbour and good friend of mine has is having their home looked after by a friend called Thangama .. they are away indefinitely whilst searching for their new start in life, as are so many people I know right now! Thangama is one of those people who I could just connect with, and is one of those cosmic sorts with an amazing perspective and vibrancy to her. She loves people and invited two of her very close girlfriends to join her and hang out in the paradise jungle that is Karuna Dham... They all came over to say Hi about two weeks ago, but I was dealing with something and couldn't be with them. In the end just as I came back they were walking back down one of the rustic paths bordering a small stream behind my house. They all said Hi, and that they would come back soon, but it was late and the needed to go. One of them caught my eye, and she looked up at me and introduced herself. Her name was Nipsi, and said she had met me 5 years before and it was a very special time for her.. I couldn't really remember, but that isn't unusual considering the number of people i meet here.. Whilst we were having our quick chat I couldn't help notice a big emotional response to seeing her.. I wasn't sure what it was, and it does happen to me sometimes for a variety of reasons. It is hard to describe the feeling, but there was just something special in the air as we reintroduced ourselves briefly.

About three days passed and I didn't see them, and was also quite busy with one thing an another so I didn't go to see them. Nevertheless, I kept thinking about them and wondering when they would visit, and was very curious about Nipsi as I still had this funny feeling whenever I thought about her. So finally, in Karuna Timing, also known as Divine timing, Thangama, Pooja, and Nipsi all came over one afternoon just before sun set. We all sat in the Earthship on my nice spiral woollen rug, and drank many cups of tulsi rose tea whilst talking, sharing, and getting to know each other a bit more. It's always special, and rare, sharing my space after dark as the Earthship has its own kind of magical feeling at night with its warmth and colour, and earthy feel. It turned out that it was the night of the full moon eclipse, I didn’t even realise it was that night.. and so we continued chatting and waiting for the moon to rise. Finally after i dont know how long we decided we had better go out and check how the moon was doing! When we came out we could see about 80% of it had been eclipsed and so we all stayed outside and watched. It SURE was a long one!!! Im used to about a 45 minute or one hour story, but this eclipse went on for hours and hours. Even though it was VERY slow, we were gifted with a small parting in the clouds so we could all see it happen. We all stayed up until the end, I think it was about 3am.. and we had all just been watching the moon for hours.. our necks were even sore! I went to sleep feeling .. . different!

One of thing things that we talked about that night was healing and reiki, and I think the three of us were quite comfortable with giving and receiving healing and reiki. At the end of the night I got the feeling to ask Nipsi if she wanted to have a treatment with me, because even though there was nothing wrong with her it could still be a really nice experience and energy exchange. I hadn't given anyone a treatment for several months, but used to to do it here a few times a month to some of the guests who passed through. Giving an energy treatment to strangers is always such a beautiful and intimate experience. I always felt that I was also helped during these treatments as I would end up feeling so good as well afterwards! There were many beautiful tears, and eye opening experiences with people, and so I was very happy to do a treatment with Nipsi after so long because I also felt it might help me as well. She said yes straight away, and we set a date.. which is always something to take with a pinch of salt here in India, and even more so at Karuna! One thing I have learned well here is to go with the flow and accept things as and when they happen. There IS such a thing as divine timing, and if we can honour that, have faith, and trust we will find that in the end things do actually make sense!

So the day of the treatment came, it was only a few days later, and I checked in with Nipsi over whatssap to see if we were still on. She said that she was still up for it, but was thinking about trying some mushrooms, you know the rainbow kind.. Where I live happens to be one of the only mountains in India that they grown on, and so many people have fun with that. She invited me to have a day trip with them, which again is not unusual around here. I have to be honest that maybe 10 years ago I was much more inclined to say yes and have an extremely vivid day, but I haven't tried them in a long time, and really didn’t feel like it. So i told her no thanks, but have a GREAT time... a few minutes later she wrote back, two of them were going to come to me for dinner instead and we would do the treatment afterwards. SO we were back on!

Thangama, and Nipsi arrived fashionably late, which means quite on time around here.. and had a bounty of food and treats ready to enjoy. I had made a huge salad, but was also not really feeling that hungry for some reason. So we sat at the dining room table, a large oval wooden polished chunk of wood and talked some more whilst drinking yet more Tulsi Rose Tea. Thangama had prepared some other nibbles, which were quite unique and very interesting to eat.. she had invented some kind of new 'pan' (an indian leaf stuffed with crazy intense flavours and spices and more) but she made it using a Nasturtium leaf stuffed with grated veggies and Nasturtium flowers, and god knows what else was in there! Luckily I also had some tahini on hand, so that made everything taste perfect!

Hours passed, and none of us were eating more than some flowers and mystery nature gifts wrapped in leaves, and a load of my salad. The pasta sat in the kitchen untouched. We just talked and talked, and there was again this very special feeling in the air the whole time.. a bit like very old friends meeting up after a long time. I don’t usually enjoy endless chit chat, but something was different that night. By midnight I looked up at them both and said, I’m confused! Are we eating? Are we doing a treatment? For some reason none of us were hungry, and we couldn't seem to stop just exchanging thoughts and stories ... Finally by about 1am I had to concede defeat and I told Nipsi that it was too late to do a treatment, even though a midnight healing sounded quite interesting! She agreed and we said we would try again the next day. .. and there that night ended...

The next day I checked in again, and it looked like Nipsi still wanted to do a treatment. Often when there's a delay around here things just never happen, but this time it did feel different. The day passed quickly, as it always does around here.. I spend a lot of time just dealing with the basics of off grid living, and I should also say Jungle living. Last week I had my FIRST monkey come Into my house in 12 years.. They Never usually come this far from the banana plantation nearby, but there he was just sitting on my kitchen table eating my peanuts from the bag nice and quietly. I was lucky because a monkey invasion can easily mean a totally trashed house with flour everywhere and not much left untouched. Anyway, the evening came and Nipsi turned up on time, ready for her cup of Tulsi Rose Tea and a sunset view of the mountains. We chatted a bit and watched the sky and clouds as the sun dipped behind us over one of the mountain peaks. We are at around 5,000 Feet height here, so we have beautiful views with a comfortable climate.

Finally the time came, and we went inside to do this treatment! The idea was that I would be treating her, and so she made herself comfortable lying down on my spiral woolen carpet. I covered her with a blanket to stay cosy, and started at her feet. When I give a treatment it is always different, and I bring in a lot of intuitive knowledge as well as and tools that I have learned over the years. I have learned and tried many things, but may favourites are Thai Massage, Energy Healing, Chi Nei Tsang (Abdominal massage), and acupressure. Whatever I am doing, i always focus on the feeling of love, and generate as much of that feeling as I can whilst breathing very slowly and intentionally, allowing the energies to flow into and through me as I breathe. I always start the same way, but then things will change depending on who I am working on and what they need. Some people need more energy work, and others need more body work. I work Very intuitively and usually feel that my hands are guided and know just where to go and what to do. I don’t think about anything, it just happens.

So by the time I had finished the first part of the treatment, Nipsi was looking very peaceful and happy, with upturned lips and closed eyes. I had some very heartfelt bhajans playing from Edo & Jo, and the atmosphere was just right. As I worked with her I just enjoyed it, and didn't really feel that there was anything much more to do than share love and whatever energies needed to be exchanged. When I finished she stayed there for some time, and so I washed my hands and had some water to drink. Washing my hands after giving a treatment is very important, but not for hygienic reasons. I learned from Drunvalo Melchezidek that we have to be careful not to take on some of the energies that we are releasing from others, and so one very simple and effective way is to let water take these energies away. Water is incredible at holding energy, and if we put our intention of releasing to it, it works!

So Nipsi 'came round' eventually, and didn't seem ready to run home right away, so I sat with her and we chatted a bit more and of course had another cup of Tulsi Rose Tea. We walked for quite some time, and after a while I started to get this feeling that there was Something else we were supposed to exchange. Its a hard one to describe because by this point my state of mind was shifting. I hadn't eaten again that whole day for some reason, I just wasn’t feeling hungry at all, and i felt like I was running on my intuition, or being guided by a very high part of my consciousness. So in the end, at about 11pm I moved closer to her and put my arms around her and held her. Before long we found a more comfortable position where we could hold each other and we just touched and held each other very intentionally and beautifully for a long time. There was nothing more to say, and so the silence was quite perfect, and the touch felt incredibly healing and nurturing. Sometimes I believe we meet old soul mates and angels who can flick a switch in us and help us to move forward with what we came here to do. That night was one of those times! By about 4am I think it was safe to say that our exchange was complete, and I was in such an altered state and I was still not even tired or hungry.. time had stopped, and all my thoughts, worries and ideas had just gone. I did manage to get to sleep finally and woke up a few short hours later.

Nipsi left Karuna the day after this, but the changes that had started that night only continued and deepened! By day 4 I still hadn't eaten more than a few nuts and goji berries, and a small snack. I was drinking a lot of water, which i always do, especially if I am smoking which I am right now! What was really strange was that even though I hadn't had a meal in four days, I felt amazing! I had way more energy than I was used to, and my body felt just so good! SO light, and I would say 10 years younger or more! I also felt, and still do feel, totally different. Its always hard to describe these things, but i can remember sitting watching the stars the other night and feeling as though i was in this incredible bubble, nothing was touching me, nothing was worrying me, nothing seemed that important that had done previously. I felt as though I had been relieved of my 'baggage' (at least temporarily) in one gust of wind, and was just sitting there finally with a feeling of real peace in my heart....

And then it suddenly dawned on me, how COULD i have not even noticed?! As i mentioned in the beginning of this story, I have not been able to breath properly for 5 years now, and at times has been So bad that I have felt like I am on death's door for many weeks and months on end. It has not left me for all this time and I had just gotten used to not feeling like I was able to breath. I knew it was more of an energetic problem than a physical problem because NO doctor could find anything wrong with me and would always tell me im in perfect health. So suddenly I noticed, i realised, my breathing is almost normal! I would say the symptoms I have had to live with and struggle with on a daily basis for 5 years have 80-90% vanished, basically overnight. It IS a miracle really, because no one can explain why or how it came, or now, how or why it has almost vanished..

Now it feels like I have had a very special cleanse and gift from the Angels. There are SO many other things happening around me, that it is very humbling and heart warming to know that maybe now I have ''graduated' from some great life lessons and am now moving in a different direction. I am still eating like a bird, and only craving very natural, clean, healthy foods ... if any. I got the feeling from this experience that I could indeed survive without food for any length of time just by breathing prana. Whilst science doesn’t have ANY explanation yet for Breatharianism and how it can be possible, now that I have actually experienced and feel it, that I know it to be true without needing proof past my own authentic experience. I have met and known several Breatharians who hadn't eaten for weeks, months and in two cases years.. and so I knew that it was possible and true to live on prana alone, but I couldn’t really understand it. Now that I have been able to feel how it actually feels to breathe the air and feel fed by it, I can say with my hand on my heart that it is a beautiful way to live. I have been saving SO much time, money, and yet feeling stronger and fitter by eating less or not even eating. So whilst I don’t think im ready for full on breatharianism, i can feel i have a much better balance between the two now so i can eat much less and still feel satisfied!

Thanks for being here and sharing this story with me. Its not often i get to write stories such as this, so if you are reading this I hope you also are now on this vibration of good fortune, healing, change, transformation, and love and light from the Angelic realms.



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This is the best thing Ive read in ages. I was spellbound and could imagine your earthship and all that magic. How beautiful a time this was!!!! Im so happy you can breathe. What a joyful release for you! Full moon, new soul connections, loving energy, your lovely eaethship, india vibes.. love love love.

It is so refreshing to read such a positive story. I am very happy for you and grateful that you had that experience. I am happy that you experienced pure healing and abundance of love. Listen to your body and to your higher self, there is great wisdom there. Much love 💚

Connection - and deep awareness of that connection - is the answer to almost everything. From that place arises such nourishment and patience! And joy. What a beautiful healing that you began with your Reiki opening. Listening to and feeling the energies is everything.

Heartwarming story, it captured me to the end. We all know love is the biggest healer and there is no greater satisfaction than those moments you are 100% aware of that. Too bad she left (for now), i hope you can stay tuned as long as possible, i truly feel the magic all the way here, inspiring!
Hey, we just landed in India, we will not come to Karuna in the first weeks, i don't want to chase these beautiful angels out of our house :-)

oh so glad it read well! i cant imagine how it reads to someone else! thanks brother.. and thanks for inviting Thanga magic ma to be here! wow what a special one!and yes shes very happy to stay at yours for another month

welcome hOMe

wow that is quiet amazing what you have experienced and been a part of, quiet magical I believe when you meet someone that can help you shift and release energies that may have been blocked for you for quiet a while. The power we all hold inside ourselves to heal and help heal others really is amazing. Thank you for sharing this with us, it is very inspiring and I am so happy that you are now able to breathe better and that you are feeling so well and have found new balance in your life.
Such transformational times we are in, I have been doing some cleansing myself and taking the the time to work on myself and my needs.
Much love and healing to you xxxx

thank you dear! i still got some ways to go of course.. but yes wow what power we have within ourselves, sometimes with a little help... if we just get aligned to it!

healing embrace! <3

Amazing story. Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you got this miracle healing night and your eyes are open to your true power now. Best of luck!

Thank for sharing this incredible story of sharing and healing. Have a nice day.

Working with the energy gift given units on this earth, but the desire to master it is commendable, there are many roads, let them lead to a better.

I loved reading this! I'm obsessed with India, so that's one of the reasons. Everything from India being more about divine timing to the monkey that came in your house!

I've been sharing pretty much every day about not eating. It's absolutely incredible. I think you'll be very interested in looking up Snake Diet videos on YouTube. So much good stuff happens when we don't eat! ❤️

Amazing story

Very touching story. It is beautiful what we can be for each other when we allow ourselves to follow our intuition.

Also, while I don't know much about breatharian life, a few friends have told me about the benefits of fasting. One of them had a very serious illness and went to a monitored monthlong fasting center, and it cured her completely.

The body has amazing healing abilities once we stop interfering with them. There is still so much we are learning about what is good for different bodies and what is good for some but toxic to others.

It seems the spiritual guidance creating in that sacred community container led you to that wisdom for yourself where your mind couldn't.

(On a completely unrelated note, you mentioned in your story about numerous folks looking for an alternative to the area you're in. I wonder if you could share why that might be. It seems so idyllic, and as I look around the world for where to put down roots myself, I'm really trying to learn where off grid living will suit me best for the long run.)