The Medicinal Cooking Collective Recipe Book #2: The Liver / Wood Element -

in ecotrain •  7 years ago  (edited)


As you can see below, we had a very green and liver friendly week in this second Medicinal Cooking Collective Challenge! We had around 10 people join in, and between us have covered a pretty interesting range of dishes! There are a few here that I will be trying out, and one of them for lunch today! That is the best part about this challenge, that we can learn and try things out that we would never have thought about otherwise.

This week the medicinal ingredients that we used include cauliflower, broccoli, celery, parsley, coriander, basil, kale, green onion, spinach, rhubarb, avocado, buckwheat, dhal / lentils / dandelion and wild herbs, garlic, lemon, lime & pomegranate! There are main courses, desserts, and juices and so much inspiration here. Most of you also included a great explanation of why you chose the ingredients you did, and how they relate to a healthy liver. @thelaundarylady has also inspired me to try out a celery juice instead of my morning coffee, I had no idea celery juice was a thing, or that it was good for the liver.. but apparently it is VERY good for it.

I really hope you enjoy checking out these great recipe posts, and please be sure to let us know if you try any of them out!

Liver / Gallbladder / Wood Element Photo Pile

Week 2: Green / Liver / Gallbladder Recipes



Cauliflower in garlic sauce, with green onion, parsley and turmeric


Coriander Sauce/ Chutney & Spinach Flat bread


Raw Rhubarb Compote & Buckwheat Pancakes


The Healthy Guacamole Dip


Fresh Celery Juice


De-Toxing with Moong Dahl: A Green Soup for Liver Chi


Healthy Vegan Pizza- Gluten Free & Veggies


Go Greens! Wild and Tame, Green Veggies and Herbs for Healthy Liver and Gallbladder


Tabbouleh Salad with a Broccoli, Mushroom, Pomegranate, Fresh Basil Tahina Pizza!


This has been a great success, and I am very happy to be learning and helping to spread such great medicinal foods and ideas.

I will post tomorrow about next weeks theme for week 3 of this collective challenge!

Wishing you a happy and healthy day!

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I have a moringa powder at hand, maybe a pancake with it is a good idea :) @eco-alex

mmmm. yes! it is a bit late.. but very worthy to add, Moringa is amazing

This is such a great challenge! It is pushing me to do more research and find out about all the benefits of plants. I am learning a lot of new things just from reading other people's entries. Really loving the whole idea.

I am so glad to have inspired you to try fresh celery juice instead of morning coffee. It is the single most important thing my husband and I have done to improve our health. Such a simple step, yet so powerful.

thank you! yes this challenge is really working.. and yesterday i tried out @shielashraf's
Coriander Sauce/ Chutney & Spinach Flat bread .. it was so easy and i just happened to have all the ingredients for it.. and was very tasty!

i AM going to try the celery juice! im curious to see what you think about mixing it with some carrot juice, apple etc.. I MAY not get on with the taste and wonder if it will still have the same benefits if mixed?


To get the benefit of celery juice, you must drink it solo. I know if you don't like celery, the smell can be pretty strong. My suggestion is to plug your nose and chug the whole thing. I am sure it will be bad at first for you, but if you are experiencing gut issues, this fresh celery juice all by itself is the best medicine to help your body heal. To tell you the truth, my body looks forward to the fresh celery juice every morning, but I like celery, so it's not as difficult as it will be for you.

maybe ill get used it it! ;-) ok ill Will try it

Let me add that if you really can't stomach the celery juice, you can try pure cucumber juice instead. It does not have as strong of healing power for the guts as pure celery juice, but it will definitely help.

im sure i can do it.. its just that after tastey thing that i really never like.. but i rekon i can get my head around it.. at least in theory.. lets see! ;-)

Thanks for sharing my OMG delicious vegan gluten free pizza my dear Alex;)

Your vegan gluten free pizza looks AMAZING! just like all the recipes you have created. You have a talent for capturing the beauty of your own creation. You did an awesome job!

Excellent, some of the recipes I've already tried. But I haven't drink celery juice instead of coffee. Morning coffee for me is THE thing to turn on my mind and body.

Can't wait to see what's coming up :)

I just found out about this challenge today. Very educational and full of delicious healthy recipes. I am curious about the theme for next week 🌸💖🌸

oh nice, glad u found us.. the next one is coming up later today! ;-) Hope you take part, its a fun one too this week!

I will for sure Alex :)

Wow! What a collection of recipes. It is so nice to see such a vibrant collection of real food. This challenge is so inspiring - thank you! :)

yes.. glad you agree! it has inspired me a lot doing this.. and im enjoying trying out some new ideas too.. glad to have you on board!

What an amazing collection of deliberate, conscious thoughts about healing food! Resteemed!! Humbled to be last posted and placed at the top! :)

its coming good this collective! theres so many amazing medicinal cooks here on Steemit.. SO nice to see! glad you took part!

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Pizzas. Plural. "All we are saying is give pizza a chance."

And tabbouleh!

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


hi @eco-alex
one of the best post i've seen on this platform , such a good delicios vegan pizza ........and hygienic too .
you're doing good job please continue it

Thanks for the post, eco-alex.

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jackson, your Bot is posting the same comment more than once.. maybe check the code! TO be honest this kind of thing is frowned upon on Steemit as it is basically comment spam // so i hope you are prepared for some flagging from others!

Thanks for the post, eco-alex.

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