Global Steem Village News #17

in ecotrain •  5 years ago 


Consolidating our energy towards a global network of steem-based eco-communities is a clear priority for @ecotrain. We deliberately and consciously curate those posts which speak to the issues, challenges and needs of the emerging steem eco-communities around the world.

GREAT content this week - here are some of the gems, eco-green wisdom & insight shared under the #ecotrain tag this week on the steem blockchain. Even if you don't have VP or RC to upvote, a meaningful comment is usually upvoted by a smart author, so please go and lavish your appreciation and engagement on this great content.

We truly are an amazing global community - and growing with new contributors every week!! If you want to help @ecotrain give juicier upvotes, please delegate or increase your delegation if you can. It matters! You loaning us your steem to make more money for you? Bit of a no-brainer, really!

@ecotrain is a artisan-hand-curated community built around the concept of gift economy and actively making our world a better place. We engage around sustainability, eco-green, permaculture, the glories of Mother Earth, inner transformation, alternative energy, earthships & earth building, recycling - in short, all the practical and conceptual underpinnings of paradigm shift.

Each week @eco-alex and @artemislives scour the steemit blockchain for people using the tag, and upvote-comment-curate in the best way they know how.


Upvote this eco-community curation and our featured posts if you can. Comment, resteem this curation and a few of the posts. Follow, engage and enjoy.


ecoVillage Journal #10 - NVC, we had to ask him to


Making sure the nucleus of project beginning is rock solid and crystal
clear? Yup - sometimes it takes a firm hand and some housekeeping. The
Eco-Village in Portugal consolidated and clarified its core team and
core values this week - Non Violent Communication being one of those
core values.

Read More


My Eco-Village

The nuts and bolts of the proposed Eco-Village in Portugal.... @orlev
shares his vision and detail about everything from decision making,
community involvement and communal kitchen. The comments are GOLD and
living proof that posts shared with passion & heart will ALWAYS attract
engagement, even without pretty pictures and video.

Read More:


When the Shit Hits The Fan ◇ Community may be the only Survival
strategy worth


Connections as a survival strategy? @senorcoconut shares probing
thoughts about connection and community.



A new podcast on MSP


Committed to transparency and engagement, @orlev revived his intention
for a regular podcast.

Read More:

AND, TRUE TO HIS WORD, here is the first podcast link!

The Discomfort-Zone Podcast


Applying Permaculture Principles To My Life - Integrate rather than


The principles of permaculture apply equally to relationship and
comunity as they do to our relationship with Mother Earth.
@trucklife-family shares with us a lovely post about the permaculture
principle of integration.


Growing out of the first communication challenges with Portugal this
last week, @eco-alex has generously offered a 4 week FREE Non Violent
Communication workshop. So much incredible learning and growing to be
had... please join in!

relationships and your


And we have the first module!!

NVC Primer: Observation, Feeling, Need, Request & Natural


Please don't forget to use the tags #ecotrain and #nvc and to post you
url in the comments of the relevant NVC post.

AND we'd love you to share your post to twitter using the tags #steem
#ecotrain and #nvc and then invite you to post the twitter url back into
your steem post with #PSOH. Yes, we're getting serious about getting
steem out there in the twittersphere. A little birdie whispered there
might be some juicy upvotes encouragement worms out there...

The Ecotrain Question of the Week is one way that we, as a digital
community, engage and share, learn and inform about things that matter.
The FIRST QOTW for Season 3, 2020, was a great beginning!! Thank you to
all who contributed.

🌍 ecoTran QOTW TIE UP POST: What would you like to do differently this


The Steem Community of Thought grows and evolves as we grapple with some
of the challenges of life.

And FINALLY the ECO coin is officially and publicly back on sale for
people with a heart and alignment with Eco-Village. Just a reminder
of how ECO is different, and how we propose to create value.

What is ecoVillage Coin, what makes it different, the investment model,
Is now the best time to


We hope you have enjoyed these eco-village & eco-community related

posts - please LAVISH them with upvotes, reblogs, comments and engagement.

If you're able to delegate, or increase your delegation, to

@ecotrain, it's a simple and practical way you can help to engage with,
and fund, steem eco-villages around the world.

Most importantly, consider writing under the #ecotrain tag this

coming week - we love all posts eco-green, earth building, spiritual and
natural, but mostly as those things relate to the building and evolution
of eco-community.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM!
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Anyone who is a 'fan' of Marshall Rosenberg is a friend of mine 💚 I read NVC when my now-17-year-old was a babe in arms and it revolutionised my ability to communicate effectively with at least this one human being, stopping the cycle of abuse/trauma in my family heritage for good. 17 years on, I am learning how to extend that ability. Pleased to 'meet' you here, and I will be following and reading... Thank you! Jay 💚

Wonderful to hear that, Jay. As a solo mom of a 15 year old your comment encourages me no end. 😊

Welcome to post using #ecotrain and/or #nvc anytime... no rules here other than courtesy & originality & loosely writing within our eco-green-environment-ecovillage areas of interest. NVC is a major foundational plank of eco-village. 💚

Thank you for the invitation, @artemislives 😊🙏 Raven asked me yesterday why we are able to communicate with each other without misunderstandings and conflict, saying, "I can only remember 3 times when we got it 'wrong', and even they were helpful because they reminded me of how much I value our ability to communicate effectively."

I must admit that I have never seen anyone use NVC's principles with the ease, grace and elegance that Marshall did. For me, the most resonance was around the essence of his message, which was utterly evolutionary. I vividly remember reading about his experiment of splitting people into 2 groups at workshops and assigning them the same conflict resolution task, but (unbeknown to the participants) with a different 'protagonist'. On every single occasion that he ran this experiment, the group which was told that the 'problem' person was a neighbour approached them with more respect and compassion than did the group which had been instructed that they were dealing with their own child. I can't accurately describe the feelings which arose in me at that moment, but it was a cellular-level 'lightbulb moment', and a key factor in giving me the strength and resolve to parent my child differently than any relationship I had ever encountered. I will forever be grateful to Marshall for that. He was a truly exceptional and remarkable human being. 💚

Wonderful to see the dialogue on #steem around Eco-Village growing, rippling and taking on a life of its own... the first level of manifestation.

Leading the curation trail for both @ecotrain & @eco-alex.
Together We’re Making This World A Better Place.

Click Here To Join the manually curated trail "@artemislives" to support quality eco-green content.
