Veggie Oil Nomads!! We just filtered a waste resource with the sun’s power... Road Trip!

in ecotrain •  7 years ago  (edited)

It’s been a busy couple of years getting our homestead established, but we finally got back into filtering our fuel. Utilizing used vegetable oil to fuel our Jetta used to be the norm for us, but fell to the wayside.


We’re happy to share that we just processed our first batch with solar power! In this post we will walk y’all through our process of turning waste into fuel.


A waste product filtered using solar energy! Yeah!

Putting Waste to Good Use

Using waste vegetable oil (WVO) as fuel for a vehicle is a great way to make use of a “trash”. Diesel engines were designed to run off of a variety of fuels, originally intended to run off peanut oil that farmers could produce themselves. Today the prevelance or cheap subsidized vegetable oils and a love of fried foods means there’s a lot of WVO.


Common WVO totes you can get from restaurants

Contrary to popular belief, the exhaust does not smell like French fries. We have been on a wide variety of adventures fueled by WVO. Waste is a mindset, and we love making use of the waste streams we have access to in the industrialized society.


5 gallon totes that we filter into useable fuel

We believe in sustainability and walk the walk as much as possible. Processing a waste stream with renewable energy (solar in this case) is one way we embody our ethics and values.

Preparing to use WVO as Fuel

WVO is not biodiesel.

It is simply oil that requires prefiltering and heating to use in a Diesel engine. Biodiesel production involves chemically altering vegetable oil to create a product close to Diesel in use (pump into your tank and drive).

We purchased our Jetta station wagon that had already been converted to run on WVO.

The system is designed and installed by Greasecar and this car was owned by the parents of the founder of the company. It involves a second tank (where the spare tire usually goes) and a splice in coolant line that preheats the oil so it is less viscous when used as fuel and an extra inline fuel filter.

There are a lot of different set-ups that DIY veggie oil enthusiasts have designed and created, but we’re just highlighting the system we use to filter our fuel.

Snapshot of our filtering setup


The first step to using the oil is the settling phase where the heavier (and nasty) chunks sink to the bottom of a 55 gallon barrel. You can imagine what ends up in the bottom of a deep fryer, YUCK.


We pour the oil from 5 gallon totes into a barrel and let gravity do the work for us. Our main output valve is a foot up from the bottom to allow solids to settle and not clog the filter prematurely. Theres a valve on the bottom for periodic cleaning.


Combining oil for settling


On colder days this is really important as cold temps make the oil more viscous. Heated oil is more easily pumped and filtered. Heating can also be a technique to remove any water present in the oil. We strap a metal heating band at the base of the barrel and the heat slowly transfers to the oil. When we need to heat it up quickly, we get out the hot rod!

Heating band

The hot rod ready for a greasy dip


Checking the temp; needs to be over 80 def F to filter. The hotter the better.


We use a small distribution pump and industrial filter to filter the oil before filling our containers. This system uses a 5 micron sock filter under pressure to remove particulate from the oil.


Industrial Filter

On one end is the valve from the barrel and on the other is an outlet. In previous systems, we didn’t have electricity and are happy to report how easy it is to filter with the help of electrical pumps and filters! So grateful for this.


Pouring the filtered oil into our jug - it’s sticky business if you get it on anything!

This best part is we bought all components from a man 3 years ago for a $100 (including 3 heaters, 50 gallons of filtered fuel and numerous containers).


Filtering and Filling


Fueling up!

To use the WVO we simply pour it into the spare tank in the rear (12 gallon capacity). This system comes with a control panel, which makes it so easy to use.


Rear tank in spare tire well

Fill ‘er up

Running on Veg

As we drive the engine heat is tranfered through the tank via a coolant line splice (insulated line). Once the oil is heated to 135F, we switch fuel sources with the press of a button.


Control panel near the steering wheel

There’s a celenoid that kicks the diesel line off and the veggie oil line on. Voila, using waste as fuel!


It is so satisfying to drive around in this manner. Both of us were very fuel conscious prior to getting this car and each even made the decision (before we met) to go car-less and ride our bikes everywhere for a few years.

Concerns about Peak Oil, Oil Wars, Pollution, Exploitation and destruction of indigenous communities, etc weigh heavily on our consciences and we sought an alternative route! We as humans need to do better. Of course veg oil isn’t applicable for everyone, but it is one solution.

Have you ever met anyone with a WVO car or do you have one? If you’re sensitive to Peak Oil and other issues surrounding oil, how do you make amends in your soul? We’re genuinely curious how others are tackling these huge issues.


Thank you! This post was written by a passenger of the #ecotrain! Read more posts in this tag for enlivening and inspiring content that nourishes the soul.


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Wow, I had no idea you could do that! How many miles per gallon do you get? Do you have to haul a bunch of extra veggie fuel along with you on longer trips?

We get about 40 on avg! And yes we carry extra with us. For this trip we started with a full tank and brought two containers so that’s about 800 miles. We have traveled around the country with veggie oil strapped to the hood lol! And even had the fortune to find someone selling filtered veg oil in California! It’s a whole world once you get into it. Happy we’re getting back into it! ✨

Dang! 40! That's impressive. Now I'm sitting here thinking of how you could filter extra and sell it to veggie oil powered travelers passing through. There's got to be an app for finding sellers of filtered veg oil :))) Where are you going to travel next?

Awesome - we're about to do something similar :). Nice to see peak oil and oil wars in someone else's consciousness!

Nice to see peak oil and oil wars in someone else's consciousness!
agreed! don't really see it talked/written about a lot, but it's a subject close to our hearts. glad to know you're converting soon! please tag us if you post about it :D <3 blessings

Nice going! Thanks for sharing your setup with us. It's a lot less mysterious to be able to see your daily activity regarding filtering and fueling the car. I like that you purchased a car that was already converted and a system already setup. I never considered that and was put off by my lack of engines and mechanical know how.

oh yeah! we have suuuuch little mechanical know-how this was super important for us too to just buy something already converted. it's been a huge blessing and brings us a lot of joy! we traveled all the way to Massachusetts (from Indiana) to get it at the time; it was a very important step in our journey and one that was very liberating and empowering.

I am seeing a reoccurring theme here that you don't let anything hold you back from implementing the life that you want and not sacrificing your ideals :)

aww great insight. yes, i think it's true that we both value going all in! what are we here for if we live in half measures?

I've read about this! I am so excited to know someone who has used the process to fuel their vehicle. You have a Vegan Jetta, I can't believe you bought the set up for $100, I bet you paid that investment off fast!

Hahaha a Vegan Jetta... I wonder if Genevieve would qualify herself as vegan.. I know right- a wonderful deal! Plus about $60 worth of already filtered oil from the guy. Love stuff like that! 💛

I have a friend who converted his diesel Volkswagen to greasel several years ago. He drove all over the country in it for free. I don't know if it's still the case, but a lot of restaurants used to have to pay to have their used grease disposed of by specialized companies, so they were perfectly happy to give it away for free for him to use as fuel because doing so saved them money. He said he'd just pull into restaurants where he saw the external used grease storage tanks (particularly common at fast-food places) and ask if he could take some. They said "sure" about 80 percent of the time.

Awesome to hear!! Same story here except lately some companies have been selling it to larger companies that pick up and pay the restaurants. We can still find quite a bit though with a little effort! Love to hear stories like this!! 🙏

This is so cool! I've always wanted to know more about doing this. A lot of work but well worth it.

We bought a Lister type diesel generator to charge our solar batteries with this exact thing in mind. Its reassuring to know that we can run it using alternative fuel. We aren't using it a lot yet and I'm not sure my husband is ready to actually do that but ... one day!!

I've always walked or biked when possible. I used to bike to work all summer long. Not in the winter because -40c was horrible and I hated it but even when I had my son, I strapped him on the back and biked into town. It was a great way to start and end the day.

Now that we live way out in the countryside far from town, I simply avoid driving as much as possible. We will save up all errands and tasks/appointments and do them all at once when we go in, We work from home though so it's easier for us to do this.

I personally would LOVE to go back to horse and cart. This wouldn't be a problem for me at all. With all the fast cars and highways it would be stressful for the horse (and me) though. I think just producing as much as we can here so we don't need to drive is what I am focusing on.

Very smart! i havent seen this process explained so well before.. when i get a car ill come back to this post! ;-)

Fascinating I knew all that fried greasy fast food must be good for something! Thanks for showing us an alternative, just shows what can be done when you think outside the box!

Hahahah so true!! 💛 our pleasure! We love to share and hopefully spark some interest!

No need to refine to biodiesel? How is the car modified for WVO? Interesting article!

No need to refine because we have a separate tank meant to run veg. We also can still run on diesel or biodiesel in the other tank. It’s a Greasecar system, we explained in the article but you can do further research on their website.

I can't believe you bought the set up for $100, I bet you paid that investment off fast!grease disposed of by specialized companies, so they were perfectly happy to give it away for free for him to use as fuel because doing so saved them money.

Yeah that’s awesome!! It’s a win win at that point 😉

This was a great introduction for me; I knew it was possible but had never heard feedback, let alone been invited to what felt like a first-hand gander of the set-up. From the fryer to instrument panel, thanks for the tour!

Awesome! Glad to provide a good intro. It’s really a simple process once the kinks get worked out. 💙

This was a really interesting article! I've heard of using veggie oil to run a diesel engine, but I didn't know much about the details. From how you describe this, I'm guessing that biodiesel is altered to be thinner in consistency so that it will flow through the lines when cold, and you have to heat the oil for the same result.
Is it possible to use filtered used motor oil with this system? I know some people make waste oil heaters for their garage and such.
I'm guessing that you could set up a small diesel powered generator to run on WVO also, for off grid electricity.

Wow I would LOVE to do this. I'm all for the greening and cleaning out our system and finding new ways to live. Thank you for looking for ways to clean out for all of us. This is fantastic. How much does the whole set cost? (filtering + car update)

We were trying to do the same thing while we were back in California! We had purchased an old (79 I think?) Mercedes 300D, while we were still living in the suburbs, but then we made the decision to move away and start a little homestead and we needed a truck so the WVO dream had to be put on hold. So cool that you guys are making it happen! Thanks for all the detailed photos! So easy to follow! Way to go!

I totally wanna get a diesel truck and do this in the near future! :D

Yes awesome!! Do it!! It’s not very hard and one can usually find cheap conversion kits on Craigslist... they seem to be pretty common 😊

Lets do it Tasha!

Aw. You look so happy playing with your vegetable oil machine @mountainjewel. 😊
Thanks for a very interesting article.
I don't know anyone who runs a WVO car although Brighton University used to run a bus called The Big Lemon that took students from various parts of the city out to the campus.
Sadly it seems they have now stopped using the service this year after using it for 7 years. I don't know why as the website didn't say.
Happy travels!

Interesting post upvoted and resteemed

Thank you 🌿

this is great, really clear instructions and easy to understand. Well done both of you, this is what we hope to do with our truck in the near future.

So awesome! I had wanted to incorporate this in a non profit planting trees where this has been deforestation. Check out my journey, I am cryptokyle6861520960442651335938554.jpg

THIS IS SO AWESOME. I dont even wanna drive unless this is how I do it haha. Your rad!

Great work here an inspiration to us all 💯🐒

Absouletly brilliant post! what a great sustainable source this is!
So much better than continuously using up our earths already extremely low levels of fossil fuels.
@mountainjewel I promised to tag you in my new garding post so I just did.

I soooo want to do this. I will have to do some research and find out if anyone is doing conversions over here. With the sheer amount of restaurants here there must be a huge supply of waste olive oil. Out of interest, what do you do with all the waste from the settling tank and filter?

Wonderful! I'm so glad you have the space (and electricity) to set your system up! Do you have convenient local veggie oil sources? This is exciting! Well done!

Yes so are we!! And solar to boot! Totally renewable 😊 we found some at the local recycling center and a few friends have some here and there. We’ll have to start looking again in earnest now that we have our filtering system set up! Thanks 😘

I've been interested in doing something like this for ages! Thanks for all the great info - I've saved this post (via Pinterest) for future reference. Awesome stuff!

Awesome! Thanks! There’s a lot of info out there! Good luck in the future ✨🙏

You're welcome, @mountainjewel - thank you in return! 😊

What a process to go thru, I've read articles or books where olive oil used to be used to fuel cars, and heard of others using hemp oil, using stuff that is going to be thrown away usually as fuel is real savvy.

Great job, I really like this activity.

Dam its an old post but relevant to my idea for winter! I want to get a diesel generator and use waste oil in it. I got some handy insight to this project so thanks @mountainjewel !