Follow and Honor your Code !

in ecotrain •  5 years ago 

Follow and honor your code !


In this time of transition and transformation, everyone is looking for answers, for guidance.
How to navigate the realms of reality, how to find out what we are supposed to do on Earth. Our life missions.
We all have our doubts, confusion, and eagerness to find the truth about ourselves.

All traditions have always guided people towards their Dharma, their appropriate place in the grids of humankind. They have inspired us towards higher values, revealing the traps and showing us the way.

But what way?
The way? Is there something like One way of being, valid for all of us, 7 and something billions of people? That seems unrealistic to me.

In the past, when humans gathered in clans and villages, the genetic pool was more homogeneous than today. People were more pure blood. The needs of the communities were more defined, according to the natural and social environment they were thriving in.

The values required to experience harmony in the community were more clear as the genetic material was less diverse than nowadays.
So traditions were efficient at defining the values its people should follow, to expand and thrive.
Then Global movement of population started, we mixed up our genetic imprints with more people, coming from so many different genetic pools.

What is my point?
The genetic material we are made from is our code. It is the way the neutrinos of the galaxy imprinted our genes, with information, patterns, shadows and gifts. It s our design, and the make-up of our personality.
We are our code. We chose this code to experience life in a specific way, to explore particular areas of creation and to learn unique lessons.

Our code is unique, as our DNA is unique.
Compared to the societies of the past, our code diversified, evolved and got more complex, as we were merging genetic pools within our blood.

How can a tradition, a way to define who we are, who we should be match the complexity of our current coding?
Traditions were born through pragmatic and mystic experience. They developed and adjusted to the needs of the people, or of the ruling cast.
They were answers to the code of their people.
Of course, the code is universal, and as a potential we are all one code. But we do have a specific and unique combination of genes that create our own unique code.

As we are unique human beings.
We all want, at some level to discover and understand our code, our patterns, our destiny.
We all yearn to understand what is our rightful place in the universe. Our true service.

The limit of any tradition is that it will only address a part of your rich, complex and diverse code. As through your ancestors, you have blended a lot of different genetic information, from different cultures.
I personally love tradition, but to feel that all my needs are met, I need many of them to complete the puzzle of my consciousness.

We all feel something huge is happening. They call it Ascension. It is the upgrade of our collective code. New waves of neutrinos repatterning our DNA and the DNA from the earth.

As our unique code is being rewritten, or upgraded, the values that we need, the downloads of consciousness we are receiving are not described in any tradition.
This is the New Earth. The code is renewed, so need Traditions.

As the Children of these times of Change on Earth, we are many times looking towards the past to prepare for the future. Ancient Futures. Using the knowledge of our elders to navigate something new.
I do believe that traditions have their use, and that we should listen to our elders, tuning again to the ancient spiritual laws and remembering our lineages.

But we need a new tradition as well. An upgraded set of laws, of virtues, of tools that are matching and resonating with the current changes occurring on Earth.

It is time to upgrade all our systems : energetic, social, politic, relational and spiritual.
Letting go of what no longer serves us and actualizing our ways with the last downloads available.
It is about following your code. Your own unique design and personality.

It is about creating the tradition that supports your code. And who else than you can do this the best?
Recent systems like Human Design, Gene keys have mapped our new codes. Light Languages from Star seeds are broadcasted daily. New frequencies are transforming reality as we know it.

You don’t need to follow what the others do. As they have a different code than you.
You can find inspiration in others, but at the end of the day, you need to reveal your own code and honor it.
You chose it. You have something to learn from it. You carry it for the collective, to upgrade the dormant DNA codes within each of us.

The answers are within. You can learn from others how to access your code, but why do we still want to imitate the strategies of our role models, when we understand that we are unique.

It is about finding your own path to your own unique code. It is about embracing who you are and listening to your own intelligence.

The mechanics of the code are universal, but its expression is unique.
So follow your code ! Be soul-fish. Honor who you are and share your unique gifts with the rest of the world.
There are no magic pills or magic recipes. There is only you. You and your mystery.
You and your magic.

Are you ready to honor and follow your code?
It is time.

Demian Haye
www.magicvibrationshealing.commain_logo ecotrain.gif

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Nice. Are you saying these Mayan downloads (sorry to call it like that, forgot the name) you are busy with are personal, not universal?

Posted using Partiko Android

"But we need a new tradition as well. An upgraded set of laws, of virtues, of tools that are matching and resonating with the current changes occurring on Earth. It is time to upgrade all our systems : energetic, social, politic, relational and spiritual."
I especially love this, Demian. Appreciating your input ... hoping to see more along this thought train (pun intended).

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Im ready! Welcome back baba! Lovely refreshing read!!