๐ŸŒณ The Elder: ๐ŸŒฟA Reminder to Respect Earth's Bounty and a Winter Solstice Musing ๐Ÿ’š

in ecotrain โ€ขย  7 years agoย  (edited)

As we hit midwinter here, the northern folk enjoy midsummer. Whilst I might long for the long daylight hours and sun on my face, Iโ€™m also relishing the value of darkness and hibernation time, a turning inwards and a chance to reflect. The three elder trees on the edges of my garden are bare of leaves, but are still so potent in their presence, and their medicine carries me through the winter months. I am thinking of them alot as I approach midwinter.

Elderberry Cold Syrup

Boil elderberries in water for 5 โ€“ 1 0 minutes. To preserve, add honey 1 part to elderberry juice 10 parts. Add another part of brandy or apple cider vinegar to help preserve and bottle. Take 1 tsp daily to boost the immune system.

As a midsummer remedy, the fruit we have frozen, dried and made into other concoctions carries us through winters dark.

Elderberry has high antioxidant levels and thus helps fight disease. They also offer protection against viruses that might damage cell walls. Theres a whole wealth within this amazing tree!


Thereโ€™s a poetry as I look upon the elder and think of how on the other side of the world Steemians like @mountainjewel and @truck-lifefamily are revering her bounty just as Iโ€™m contemplating her dark, bare boned magic as the Elder mother rests.

The underlying energy of the Elder tree is connected to the triple goddess โ€“ maiden, mother, crone โ€“ particularly taking on the wise-woman or crone aspect as she is symbolic of that time in the darkness before potential regeneration and rebirth. So the elders sit outside my kitchen window like thin limbed crones, dormant and resting, waiting for the transformation she will undergo in Spring, but sitting there in a wild and untamed beauty. They are most symbolic at this approach to winter solstice to me, fully embracing the darkness yet having promise in their branches of the Spring to come where she bursts to life.

Like me, she is resting in the darkness. She's part of this beautiful natural cycle and

linked to the eternal turnings of life and death, birth and rebirth...[the elder] represents the end in the beginning and the beginning in the end; life in death and death in life; the casting out of devils of the old year and the renewal and creativity of the new; the timelessness of the cycle by which the fading of old age is always balanced by the start of new birth

When I lived in our truck in England the lore was amongst the folk there that it was bad luck to burn elder wood. That superstition has stuck with me, but itโ€™s come from a gypsy myth I think. However, itโ€™s a reminder that a lack of respect for Nature that can be dangerous. Thereโ€™s no wonder Elderโ€™s ability to wildly grow represents that aspect of nature that wonโ€™t be tamed, and perhaps thatโ€™s why she was feared in a way, or at least deeply respected.

Elder, therefore, always reminds me to be respectful to the Earth. I loved learning that it was important to ask the tree spirits before taking any of her bounty, something that Jacqueline Memory Paterson details in her book โ€˜Tree Wisdomโ€™. An old woodcutters prayer is something we can keep in mind:

โ€˜Owd Girl, give me of thy wood,
Anโ€™ I will give thee some of mine,
When I become a treeโ€™

I love this because it takes us away from selfish intent and asks us to be respectful and mindful of what we take from the Earth, knowing that we too will become part of the soil. The elder has always been imbued with a sense of the sacred as she is Queen of the Earth indeed with her bounty โ€“ flowers for cordials and wines, elderberries for syrup and medicine, cordials and wine.

Her leaves are used for insect repellent, too - there's a whole plethora of uses for the Elder that make her such a bountiful tree and made us plant three of them when we got to Australia, as they don't grow wild in hedgerows here like they do elsewhere. To be honest, we didn't plant three immediately - we nurtured one and then all we had to do was plant a stick in the ground and thereupon, two trees burst forth!


In summer, her flowers shake with fertile seductiveness โ€“ sheโ€™s a pretty maiden at this time. I love the legend that says if you breath in the scent of elderflower on midsummerโ€™s night, you may see the faerie king and queen. On full moon, the elder too can help us see dryads โ€“ to drink elderberry wine in an elder grove with no evil in your heart might hasten the process, according to legend. So if youโ€™re close to midsummer, give it a shot and let me know what you see.

And thereโ€™s another connection to Elder too that makes me think her and I are alike, connected, sisters. Her ruling planet is Venus, as is true of my sun sign, and associated with air, as am I.

The elder's month is also midwinter, the winter solstice, where we can mark coming return of the sun. As the elder enters the realm of death and endings, she stays for a while and contemplates, hibernates, muses, creates - and then grows again, toward the sun and bounty of life and summer's glory. Like butterflies in cocoons, elder trees are part of this feeling of transformation and cyclic growth.


So as we approach Winter solstice I honour the Elder, and think of her in Northern climes, full of bounty for you all. Do honour her as the days get darker. Xx

What lore do you have of the Elder tree? How are you celebrating Winter or Summer solstice? Please do comment xxx


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ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย 

So if you don't know something like burning elder wood is bad luck, is it still bad luck? Hmm...

ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย (edited)

Exactly. They burnt elder at funerals I think so there's a link I guess with death too. There's a lot of myths and superstitions with this tree. We dont burn ours as they are spindly things. I do love how the myths honour and revere the bounty trees give us and the things they ask us to reflect upon before needlessly ripping down and chucking on a fire though ๐Ÿ’š ... perhaps disregard of old myths and forest lore worldwide has led to some shitty environment destruction.... May not be bad luck but irreverence and ignorance leads to bad things for sure.

ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย 

One of my favourite sayings is "where focus goes, energy flows", so if you convince yourself something is bad luck, then it probably will be. That said, I'm pretty sure multinational logging companies and governments aren't too concerned with forest lore.

ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย 

Oh I love that quote and its soooo true!!! Ha yeah.. bastards. Therein lies the problem... ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย (edited)

i love this...
i first read it while i was driving today (i know i know not good), BUT what was really cool was that all along the road while i was driving... were elders!!! in ditches, in fields, on the edges of treelines... i am in love with the fact that they have so much lore and connection around the world and obviously thrive here... so much gratitude. thanks for this stellar post babe!

ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย 

Lucky you didn't crash into them darling!!!! Glad you liked it. I wanted it to work in symbiosis with your posts too xx

ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย 


ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย 

Love this post about the elder and the lore around it! And we are almost to midsummer day here in New England.

ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย 

Watch out for those fairies ;) xxx

ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย 

Beauty-Full post @riverflows Despite sweating buckets here (it being HOT and STEAMY and me still being somewhat feverish) I suddenly have the urge for an open fire and some elderberry wine! :) I too, love the solstice energy. :)

ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย 

Oh yeaaaaah so good!!!! Solstice is the best. I'm going to pull those swedes out the garden to celebrate with a good mash. It's pretty exciting around here :) xx

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Thanks for sharing this! I'm going to try this recipe. I have no idea where to find elderberries in Colorado, but maybe I can use dried?
Can't wait to try the recipe. It sounds delicious.