Oh the Narcissist Society We have Built Ourselves ◇ Is it time to Re-Wild ourselves?

in ecotrain •  5 years ago 


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This civilized world we live in today, must be one of the most narcissistic human organization system ever created.

Why have we absolutely no regards for future generations? We treat our environment as if it was some sort of foreign entity instead of our habitat. This kind of thinking has had such a negative impact on our health (and that of other species), and could be why we constantly fight each-other...

Since I was a kid, there has been a large number of human behaviors that never made any sense to me. I always felt something was extremely wrong with the way the majority of people live... I always thought something was really OFF.

Luckily, I never personally thought I was nuts and besides the occasional disbelief from listeners, I was always able to speak my mind without being lynched. And so these ideas kept growing, but I hadn't thought there would one day be a large movement defined by the exact principles I had been developing into my own life philosophy!


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The Re-Wilding Movement

I may be a little late to the game but hell... I found my people!!!

There are so many studies looking into how the un-domesticated human lived, I never thought that it was something we could take example on... The hunter-gatherer way of life and tribalism are perhaps what I always felt was missing in today's society.

The deeper I dive into the realm of living a natural human existence, the more I like the idea of re-wilding, bio-hacking and becoming a true creature of our intended habitat.

From the food we eat to the need for community, from the air we breathe to the need for sunlight, I am defenitely moving towards a re-wilded lifestyle


Weevils collected from a batch of acorns we are processing for food... the little worms sautéed in butter were delicious by the way!

I will have more to say on that subject pretty soon but for now, lets have a look at today's society.

Starting with education.. it really seems that we are taught from a very young age to be obedient, tamed little humans. In most schools in the West, kids have to sit still most of the day all week, listening to what a few teachers have to say. They must memorize the lessons at hand, whether they like it or not.... and than are expected to regurgitate what they so called learned. Does this sound fun to anyone?

It all really begins in that classroom. The minute we believe that spending the bulk of our lives sitting at a desk listening to someone telling us what to think or do, is the minute we agree to a life of servitude.

Let's not forget that in most places we know, not following some form of the state's curriculum in schools or at home is illegal. We are obligated to be indoctrinated. Something about this system smells fishy, don't you think?


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And society's workforce... It is nothing but an extension of the classroom. The more I really think about it, the more it looks like traditional school (the school for domesticated humans), was developed to turn us into obedient little workers... In other words: TO BE GOOD SLAVES.

As insane as it sounds, we are the ones who built the system as we know it.

We are not innocent in the making of the world we live in. A world not unlike a prison.

We hurt ourselves everyday, personally and communally. We make a million laws and police one another. We eat almost no real food anymore, and we know it. Just today, when I mentioned to a co-worker that the cookies in the break-room were basically loaded with the same ingredients as the weed killer called roundup (glyphosate), he laughed with a what are we gonna do and walked away with a handfull, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head.

I understand there are situations where a lot of us cannot make much of a choice but we need to make a greater effort. When we do have the choice, we should chose nutrient-dens options. While it does take a bit of research and education it is possible to eat well.

One example of very nutritious food that everyone can afford is sardine. This is a fish that holds almost as much good fatty acids as salmon for a fraction of the price. And as an extra bonus most of us probably don't know, SARDINES ARE ALWAYS WILD CAUGHT. Just make sure it comes in a pba free can!


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We humans, have an ability to adapt very quickly to different environments and we can probably evolve to live with the polution we create but at what cost? As it stands today, it looks like we're heading in some dark days for humanity. Modern medicine is very effective in terms of emergency scenarios and making us live longer, but we've been kind of bypassing our own natural selection. The planet is over-populated and it can be traced back to the invent of agriculture...

The more we eat, the more we procreate, the more we procreate, the more we eat, the more we grow!

It's a vicious cycle and I don't think we do the things we do to eachother on purpose. We wage wars against everyone and everything for our own beliefs of what will keep the human race prosperous. We do it in a completely blind fashion, our greed for the susrvival of our spicies has surpassed us.


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If we don't start looking at why being a narcissist society is killing the human race, the planet surely will get rid of the cancer we've become.

Well on that (kind of dark) note... I invite everyone to take a look at existing and starting projects, to explore lifeways that could better support our presence as the symbiotic beings we once were, in this organism we call EARTH.

At this moment, the one that stands out is this one from @eco-Alex:

@eco-alex is working on building a tribe to create an earthship village governed by a gifting economy. Here's a link for the idea of it being fueled by steem:

And than you also have my own project that is in the making now. I will need to make an updated post, but if you're interested in living close to New York City in that same philosophy, please contact me.

So, you see... there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Path to victory is not about the hard way or the easy way. It is about taking the first step, and thereafter, how fast the next step can be placed ahead.

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Its so nice to live the simple life every now and then. Unfortunately there not really a place to live outside the rat race of modern civilization... except on the vacations!

Yeah, I guess it's maybe not possible for everyone, but I think some of us can do it and as we drop out of our consumer economy.. and the more do that the more it becomes a sort of living example. Our humanity has become ill.

We are quite the conundrum, aren't we! Selfishness and greed were once survival traits, but somehow they've morphed into self destruction. We used to consider future generations, because that is how we ensure the survival of our genetics into the future. We cared for those in the community around us, because we couldn't survive without them. Now it's as if we've developed tunnel vision. As long as we can get as much as we can to ensure the provision of our closest family, then maybe they can survive when everyone else is succumbing to the fallout of that resource grab and the subsequent pollution?

Then we have the awareness that overpopulation is destructive to the environment and ultimately ourselves, yet our love for life means we struggle to see any suffering. We struggle to accept that sometimes a child is born whose body is not fully developed to stand the rigours of this world and fight to extend that life, sometimes to their detriment.

You really hit the nail on the head with the school system. Often when a child struggles in it, the attitude is that they have to learn to deal with it, because they'll have to deal with the same in the workforce. If that's not a hint that school is geared up to produce workers, then what is?

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you, I love that word conundrum by the way !

We see eye to eye on these issues! It's really kind of sad that our survival instincts have brought us to maybe our extinction.

There is a spot called Göbekli Tepe, it is said to be perhaps the first religious site encountered thus far... it would also mark our very first days of human enslavement. Someone had to start domesticating plants and grain for food, the dawn of agriculture was the beginning of our demise.

That system of turning pupils into obedient workers may be much older and more ingrained in us than we think! But it looks like the tables are turning, everywhere I look, I see people living a lifeway that seems to be more in tune with what we really are.

We have degraded ourselves into a NPC zombies and it is so far gone people don’t even care it’s happening as long as they can krönen consumption and comfort. Or we have traded freedom and independence for comforts. sad

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Our true liberty, has been long forgotten... some thpusands of years ago perhaps with the invent of agriculture!

The only ones really left completely free may ne the birds!

And society's workforce... It is nothing but an extension of the classroom. The more I really think about it, the more it looks like traditional school (the school for domesticated humans), was developed to turn us into obedient little workers... In other words: TO BE GOOD SLAVES.


As insane as it sounds, we are the ones who built the system as we know it.

This is a deep, deep rabbit hole. I'm not sure that we built this system but collectively we are supporting it through our participation.

This is another reason that I am very interested in the @ecotrain ecoVillage concept because, at the moment, there really is no viable, demonstrable alternative that a person or family can choose. Yes, there are people homesteading on their own, etc but this is a very difficult road which makes it an unlikely alternative for large numbers of people.

I'm envisioning a reality where there are many ecoVillage communities around the world, offering an alternative model that is up and running and working. In other words, a real choice. It's like... create a great life and then help others do the same if they voluntarily want to do so.

And than you also have my own project that is in the making now. I will need to make an updated post, but if you're interested in living close to New York City in that same philosophy, please contact me.

I DM'd you on Discord.

Ah wow... yes I share this same dream. Sometimes I imagine a web of all these ecovillages where as one we are a community welcoming one another to come and go when help or fun is needed.

Going to check on that PM now... thanks!

What an awesome post!! Is that the new @senorcoconut bio pic? LOL.. it SHOULD be!!

Defiinitely we have collectively become a cancer on Mother Earth. Rewilding to me is like the CBD oil that is all-powerful and can restore balance, even after a terminal diagnosis has been given.

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haha I love that... the CBD of the world.

I'm not sure that the planet has been given a terminal diagnosis just yet. We are growing but something will happen and those who live this natural lifeway will probably be the ones staying. After al we have already gone through a number of extinction events.

when I mentioned to a co-worker that the cookies in the break-room were basically loaded with the same ingredients as the weed killer called roundup (glyphosate), he laughed with a what are we gonna do and walked away with a handfull, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head.

I get this all the time. Like making my own deodorant - I get LAUGHED at??!!! But on a brighter note, I had a community garden meet up today I organised and people LOVED It - I am still smiling. Lots of people WANT change, they jsut don't know where to start or how to begin and I think they get depressed or fed up so the best thing is sarcasm, humour, flippancy, complacency and anything but direct action as it all seems too hard.

I listened to a great podcast the other day about time and Europe and prehistory - and how the future in Europe is re-wilding because young people know this is the direction to go in.

It's actually really interesting - here it is if you'd like to listen:


Oh thanks @riverflows I will have a listen when I can, sounds like my kind of podcast for sure 😁.

Yes I think many people are wanting a change, many see the enslavement we've put ourselves into and I think you're right, they don't know how to get started with this change.

It's hard work and can be really intimidating. We sent our little human to a Sudbury school (yeah we're lucky enough to have one just 15 minutes away!) and that is such a crazy concept for most people, they don't understand. I mean we're also a bit confused by it and not completely 100% sure it's the right kind of education (a small part of me is still in the matrix!). But I feel that it is right.

Not ALL parts of the matrix are bad no need to make excuses. I know your influence will raise an amazing being far more free and world changing than his peers! Promise you will like the podcast.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you, that's very sweet. True, some parts of theMatrix are pretty cool.

Sooooo welllllll saaaidd!
A narcissistic society it xx surely is
Now how do we make a narcissist think further than their nose!!!? Now theres a question to ponder as I actually have no idea!!

Thanks Alex,

I don't know but I know we have to keep pushing on and getting the word out there about this. And teaching others through example is probably the way to make people see that life works so much better when we're authentic and helping eachother.

Once they see it's a win win situation they can break free from the yoke. You're doing an excellent job at doing this by the way.

Thanks again

Really really thankyou for your encouragement! It goes a long way!

You're welcome.

Well said! like you mentioned, we're heading towards darker age of humanity. It's terrifying at some point but as long as we can prevent it from happening, I am positive there's hope.

Yes it seems that way, though times were probably pretty dark just a few hundred years ago as well!

In re-wilding, we often speak of our ancestors as the people before the invent of agriculture. It would seem that agriculture may be the start of our health degeneration.

I have hope too. We have gone through some dificult times a lot and always survived.

Not sure about the weevils over the cookies but very interesting article 😆. Humans have always fought wars and had narcissistic tendencies but I like the re-wilding movement and support Survival (a charity representing indigenous peoples). The office as a workplace does feel like an extension of the conditioning that we had at school but it is difficult to live an alternative life when there are children to consider and a mortgage to feed. Your article was great food for thought 💭🙏🏽

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Thank you very much, I like food for thought too.

That mortgage bit is one of our most valued trap... don't get me wrong I have one too but we have become a people who is working to live in overly expensive homes. That is why I like the idea of self building and earthships or other kinds of sustainable structure where materials cost nothing and utilities are cheap.

As far as this "Survival" charity is concerned I'd like to check it out. It does bring something I heard to mind.. a part of re-wilding is to teach ourselves, domesticated humans, how we could live in the wild. We can be looked at a bit like how zoo animals don't have the necessary skills to go into their wild habitat, neither are we.

The indigenous human is almost extinct, and I don't hear too many people talking about saving the humans...

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yes yes yes, rewilding is our greatest medicine as far as I am concerned, it is my passion in life and because of my connection to the wild both in the natural world and in myself I have ot to where I am now and that is exactly where I need to be xxxxx

That is great.. recognizing that you are right where you need to be is pretty impressive.

Thanks for saying it like it is, re-wilding is medicine for sure!

It is a pretty sad state we find ourselves in!
Forever grateful for projects like @eco-alex ecoVillages!
Iève been wondering about your project how it is going, hope you post soon!
I feel fortunate to be able to live close to nature, pretty wild at time! But definately more could be done for moving in that direction.
Thanks for the eye opener and wake up call!

You're so very welcome, and it makes me happy to know that I can be of service in an eye opening post 😀.

My project, yes I need to write about it, we need to find those who want to join us and it's moving very slowly for now. I haven't finished the foundation pillars for our little barn, but our ideas for The Land of Dreams are growing and now I am completely obsessed with earthships, thanks to @eco-alex.

I hope you're nice and cozy as the winter is setting in