Moving Towards Ancom Communities

in ecotrain •  6 years ago 

This week my parents were visiting, and it's been really wonderful to spend time with them. They're really sweet and thoughtful people. My kids are really loving time with nana and grandpa.


It does mean, however, that I am a lot more exposed to the outer world. They have CNN on a lot. So, I am getting reacquainted with the state of things. It's overwhelming, really, and I am getting some clarity on where we are really at as a species. It's easy for me to get lost in my own head and in the world of my community. The larger world is in a different place entirely.

So I have realized we are quite a ways from anarchy on any sort of large scale. So few people even understand what it really is and don't seem interested in learning. I think the only way for it to spread is just to start with small communities and be clear and vocal about what we are doing. Obviously there are a lot of communities than run essentially as ancom, but I think this piece of being vocal is important. We have to let the world know what it really looks like. The more people realize that we are neither burning everything to the ground nor living under some kind of state communist dictatorship, the sooner we can move toward justice and freedom for all people.

So, what does it look like? I think it looks a lot like a Sudbury school. How awesome will it be to sit down together and decide what rules and agreements we will have. How exciting to pool a portion of our money together to ensure for proper care of children and elders, to make sure everyone has the medical care they need. It's so exciting to think about working together to grow food and build houses. It's so exciting to imagine what it would be like to get together and solve the problems we did not foresee. I can hardly wait to live with people who agree to care for one another and see that as the right thing to do. It's thrilling to imagine an education space where all can come to learn and teach. How cool will it be for others to come see? It's so exciting to imagine showing others who come to visit another way.

My favorite, though? Getting together a few times a week to share meals together. Cooking and cleaning with friends is so wonderful to me. I'm so excited to share the deep connections of community while still having my own space. I'm so excited to create a space where women and children are safe. It thrills me to think of building community around mutual respect. I am so glad for people who want to live together in this way, and I think once others see what is possible, the ideas will spread.

Assisting people through the paradigm shift. This is my mission.

Much love, y’all!

As always, all pics are mine or pixabay unless otherwise noted.


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Great looking family! Everyone looks happy ☺

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you. I think so too!

Seed swaps, free book stands, barter days, clothing swaps, volunteer work day swaps, all of these are the closest thing to Anarchy that most people get to experience and are super easy to organize as well as being fun and pressure free. Once people are having fun, it is easy to introduce them to the concepts of voluntary Association and freedom of Exchange Etc.

That is a truly excellent idea!! It's a very foreign concept here, and I've been thinking of how to help explain it.