Celebrate the Earth Awakening

in ecotrain •  7 years ago  (edited)

We are coming to the end of winter, where we are meant to have cocooned ourselves and nurtured ourselves just as the natural world has all around us.

What we have sown in the winter, our ideas and seeds, it is now time for them to germinate and sprout , it is time for them to awaken to the light.

Our days are getting longer and all around us nature is showing signs of waking up, buds are starting to form, the sap is starting to rise.

Now is the time to plant our ideas, to become more creative. It is the time of growth, of manifestation. The time to follow natures lead. To shift towards ways of living more sustainably and have greater awareness of the earth.

It is the time to be active. To go outside, to go for walks, look for signs of life reawakening. Go out with a pencil and some paper, write down what you see, how you feel, is their anything stirring inside you?

With movement/walking comes clarity, comes the opportunity to be inspired, to look at the things you wish to change in your life. It is the time to change any thought patterns or attitudes that have held you back. Now is the time to let them go. You can do this, by writing down those thoughts and attitudes that have not served you well, that have blocked your flow. Feel the weight of them as you carry them for the last time. Then release them by burning them either in an outside fire of in a steel bowl or a fireplace.

Image Source:http://www.theencouragementmattersalliance.com

Now is the time to envisage the world/future you wish to live in. Make it the best that you can, visualising a movement that will bring many people, many communities together to create ways of healing the earth and ourselves. Write about it, paint it, sing it, bring your vision to life, so that you can carry it with you. Then start to think of ways in which you can make it a reality. Taking small steps, setting small goals.

Organise a gathering to bring together your friends, your community. Do this around a fire if possible and ask everyone to bring some food to share. Bring music, bring song, bring movement. This is the time to celebrate together, to encourage one another, to help one another in bringing forth change, to give life to new ideas. To really set things in motion, to bare witness.

Image Source: care2.com

You can offer your friends seeds that represent the change they wish to see happen in their life or the ideas they wish to make happen. It is really important to get everyone to verbalise what they want to see happen or they want to do. Speaking it, putting it out there is the first step in making it a reality.. They then get to take these seeds away with them and plant them, watch them grow along with their own ideas.

Now is the time to embrace the spark, the fire that is inside us all, this is what will help us in bringing about change. This is our motivation. It is something that we can tap into when the need arises. Take the time to get to know this creative spark, by being creative.

By doing the things that you love, by nurturing yourself. By moving forward. It all begins with self-care.

In Ireland around this time of the year they celebrate St Brigid's day, going back further it is know as Imbolc.

To me it is the time of awakening, it is a time of celebration.

It is a time to strengthened our bond with the earth with our home.

It is a time to come together and start to bring about change


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Love it. Powerful, inspiring post!

Ini and I are doing this separately and together... and, excitingly, this year we're also envisioning some co-operative planting with friends. My friend sent me some rainbow corn she grew and we're calling it in and conjuring it up to grow it together. We are so powerful when we work together.

After two busy years on the homestead, we're also declaring a slower less busy 2018! More recreation, more fishing, yes some projects, but also just some enjoyment and having a good time on the homestead! So important after two very big "foundation" years! Thanks for sharing. This post will inspire many <3 ~Wren

thank you you two, it is that time of year to be pro active. I like the sound of the rainbow corn, perfect for co-operative planting. xx here's to a slower creative year for you both xx

Like when is there ever a time when your posts aren't inspiring? Never. And I am so happy you always come up with something so meaningful and beautiful that it makes me feel all inspired to be better. This winter season, I am letting go of a few of my limiting beliefs too and going to sow the seeds of empowerment in the spring and you are to thank for that. <3

Thank you so much @sharoonyasir for all the encouraging feedback you give me, it really warms my heart each time. much love x and yeah to letting go, this is the time for change, let out the old and welcome the new x

Here we are approaching Spring Season in which winds blow, plants grow, flowers glow and waters flow. I am super excited to celebrate the coming festivities with my family and friends.

thank you @mmasim, I do love this time of year x

Ahhh, so much beauty, light and freshness radiating from this post!! I feel rejuvenated and energized. Thank you for sharing such beautiful natural wisdom, I love how connected you are to the natural rhythms and harmony, and the purity of your love for yourself and the entire existence. I am so happy to know you, to be journeying with you on the @ecotrain, and to feel part of this global awakening. Sending you so much love <3

Thanks @bristena94, I'm really glad you've been touched by it, thank you again for all your lovely encouragement. I'm really glad we're on the great ecotrain together.


Beautiful post, i feel the seeds of change ;-), good to be reminded that this is a important time of the year for that, so we can burst out in Spring with new energy! <3

Cheers @steemama,I do love this time of the year.

@team-solutions has re-steemed and upvoted you post :)
Thanks for the great content.

thanks @team-solutions keep up the great work x