Tell Me About Your Home?

in ecotrain •  7 years ago 


What Is a Home?

What does your home mean to you?

How important is your home to you?

When I Speak of home, do you picture your house, your dwelling. The place where you gather with your family of friends, to eat and cook. To nourish yourself. The place where you spend most of your time, where you dream and make plans, where you envisage your future.Where you raise your children.

Do you feel protective over your home? Does it contain many valuable possessions, many memories?Is it walls of stone, of clay, is it canvas or metal? Is it stationary or mobile?

I know it gives you shelter, it makes you feel safe and secure, it is your safe haven.


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You may have put many hours, days or weeks of work into building it, improving it, cleaning it and maintaining it. It is a piece of you, you have left your mark on your home. Made it your own, it is an expression of who you are. Somewhere you feel comfortable and at ease. It is your domain.

We become very attached to our dwellings, our abodes and with very good reason. We have put so much energy into making it and keeping it a home. A lot of thought goes into planning the type of home that you want to live in, as it must meet all your needs. A home includes our house and land. That which we look after, that we take responsibility for. something we become passionate about , protective over. Something that is yours.


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Our Home

But Our Home , is something many seem to have forgotten about, even disregarded. Something we are happy to take from over and over again but never give anything back. Yet It provides for us in so many ways, it sustains us, gives us everything we need.

Why are we not protective over Our Home?

Do we not feel comfortable in it?
Do we not feel safe?
Does it not hold any valuables?
Why are we not helping to improve it, maintain it, keep it clean?

The Earth is our home and it is a Wonder!


Each breathe we take depends on the earth, but now also on us. We need to take responsibility so that we can restore clean air and clean water. We need to open our eyes to our real home.

We need to wake up.

Why do we choose to protect walls over our planet. Do we really believe that as long as we have walls around us that we can allow the air and the water to become polluted? We may feel safe behind these walls, but for how long. What are they really doing? O.k they give us shelter and keep people out. But many walls that surround us are actually poisonous to our natural environment and are polluting our water and air.

We need to stop looking at what we can take from the earth and and start looking at what we can give back!

How can we be of service to the earth.


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We can all make small changes in our daily lives. This is something that we have control over. Lets become extraordinary people who are welling to change and are determined to make a difference.

We can choose what we buy, how we buy. We can buy local produce and products. Buy produces that do not harm or poison us or the environment. We need to become the people we would be proud to be. Create a world by what we give and what we take. Find that balance in our lives.

We live in shelters, be they wooden, brick, clay, metal, canvas. concrete and many more besides and they are structures that we should feel pride in.

But Our Home is the Planet, lets start to treat it like that.

Put our energy into it, protect it, because we have only this one!

I am part of the ecotrain, if you wish to read great content and be inspired please check it out. It is one train that is full of very diverse and creative passengers.

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This post got me a bit confused - it started one way and ended up a completely different way haha !!!
I love both subjects of 'Home' and 'Respect for our planet' (or 'Earth as Home'), but I'm the least qualified person to talk about 'Home' since it's a complicated matter for me [gypsy heart and nomad mentality] plus at this point I don't see our planet as our only home anymore - the human race will soon go further. Of course, that doesn't mean that we should trash the place that hosted us for millions of years... But humans never learn - they only know how to take, especially from the environment. It is awesome to bring awareness, but personally I think it's also kinda late...
Well written ;)

I hear you, I'm a nomad myself, we have a lovely truck to live in. I would like everyone to treat the earth like the way they treat their homes. Imagine how that would be. I'm very hopeful and believe it is never too late, got 3 daughters that will hopefully be very respectful and get to fully enjoy living on our beautiful planet. Thank you @meanmommy33 for dropping by and for your feedback xx

A house or dwelling is just that. Our home is what we live in or on in the case of the earth. We nurture and care for our homes. We need to do the same for mother earth.

Thank you @cecicastor, I agree totally x

Haha! Nice twist at the end there! Inspirational post.. and buying local is more important than people realise for the health of our planet and ourselves.. superb!

thank you @eco-alex, like to try and drew folk in and then send out that message.

In the past ten years I downsized twice. Then I turned into a nomad for about six years. I learnt that home was where my heart was. I loved that feeling of freedom.

I couldn't agree with you more , my heart is always going to be with the earth. Thank you @lymepoet x

What a depressing read!

Just kidding, I completely agree with you. Why do so many humans chose to not take good care of our home... maybe that's the bit that is depressing! I'll never understand how cherishing Our Home is not the obvious choice!

I was excited when I saw your first photo, that's what made me click on it. The guy who built that house is the guy who taught me how ti build with cob, straw bales and natural materials in general!

Thanks for spreading the love for this beautiful earth of ours!

thank you @senorcoconut, yeah I always feel really disappointed by how people just don't care, our lifes are so much more enriched if we just opened our hearts to nature.
Wow, I do love that house it is a work of art. Glad it got your attention and pulled you in.

Yea it's a really pretty house. In our home in the woods... we will have many cottages made like that one and other natural materials! Think Tim Burton meets Jules Vern and Doctor Seuss

Thank you for the reminder and sharing with us the importance of our Home aka the planet, from where we all came and where we will all return. Thank you for reminding me to give to the earth rather than taking. I think this attitude is transformative in so many ways :)

cheers @sagescrub, we are so lucky to have such an amazing giving and abundant earth I only wish for it to stay that way.

It's so important for people to live in balance. It's the right thing to do, but it's also self preservation. The earth isn't going anywhere, but we may very well create an ecological situation that no longer sustains our lives.

thats very true indeed and in the end we would end up taking many species with us also.

No doubt. We already have.