in ecotrain •  7 years ago  (edited)

Too many put their faith in Science and Technology having the solutions to all of our problems.

That someone, somewhere will invent something that will deal with all the environmental problems that we are faced with today.

That we can just continue to live our lives as all is being taken care of.

I have talked in some of my other posts, about how some people believe that they are above nature, that it is there for them to use how they see fit.

There are others who go to the other extreme and believe that humans are just parasites on the planet and that everything is a lost cause. I have heard this argument too many times. To me this is an excuse that they give themselves so that they don't have to be pro active in looking after the environment. It's a cop out. Happily handing their responsibilities over to others, even over to the government. This same government that has shown us time and again that their world-view is one of dominance over nature.

All of this upsets me, I really don't understand, how they can think like this, especially when they could just go into nature and see all the magic and wonder around them. How they can turn their back on their home. Because that is what it is, our home, the whole planet is our home.

It feeds and nourishes us.

It heals us with it's many amazing plants and herbs.

It holds us and guides us.

It allows us to breathe, it gives us life.

But maybe that's it, they do not go into nature. Some people even fear nature. They fear what it represents, the wildness that is everywhere. Afraid of getting lost in the wild. They are afraid of what the outdoors bring, using toxic sprays to keep their houses clean, creating unnatural sterile environments that are destroying our immune systems. That are making us weaker, more susceptible to illness.


I have met children who have got upset because they got dirty. They see it as a bad thing, they get told off for having soil on their skin and clothes.That amazing organic matter that grows our food, that protects the earth, that is so vital to our well being. That is being seen as bad, making some children get upset and making some adults get angry. For me seeing my children dirty makes me happy, I know they have had lots of fun and also they are protected from the sun.

Source: giphy.com

There are teenagers that are more fearful of the outdoors, that what they are exposed to on Television.Scared of tiny insects, yet not affected by all the violence they seen on screens. Scared to be out in nature at night time. Fearful of what might be out there, sometimes seeing nature as depicted on screens, as the dark and scary woodland that holds all the danger. What is being fed to our children's minds. That the natural world is unpredictable, unsafe and that it is something to be fearful of.

There is a great documentary called "Project Wild Thing " that goes into more detail about that, and looks at coming up with ideas on how to get children back into nature. It is basically around the idea of selling nature back to kids. It is inspiring, but is that where we are, in a time where we need to seriously look at 'Selling Nature to our Kids' in order to get them more involved in the natural world.

How did it come to this?

There has been this obsession with controlling and taming nature. And anything that can't be tamed is to be feared. People are being told to be fearful of the one thing that connects us all. The one thing that prevents us from feeling so alone and isolated. Our natural environment. We have been living in a time of power over.. Of handing our power over to others, to authorities. Putting our, education, our health in to the hands of authorities. Allowing people to have power over nature, over one another.

We need to start to tap into our Power Within, this power that helps us reassert our place in the natural world.

We are not above it, we are certainly not parasites, we are part of it.

We have our role to play, it is our responsibility to live more sustainably. It is for our own benefit.

How many times must we be told that anything we do to the earth we are doing to ourselves, before we really listen?


Image Source for 1st Image:http://t.co/ttliD61FML ...

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I am 22 years old and it deeply saddens me to see all the people in my age group so disconnected from the natural world. As you said, getting angry over being dirty, and being scared of insects. I do so much to make sure i do not become like that.
I currently live in the woods on the river. It is truly alive. I see it change every day. Shrink with sun and grow with every rain. I watch the water cycle happen. I watch the rain drops collect into streams, and runoff into the creeks... Into the rivers.. Into the ocean, only to restart as rain drops. I have gotten into mycology, and see firsthand the relationships between mushrooms and plant life.

I have even started a large indoor garden in preparation for the coming spring. I find it very fun and could not imagine a life without it. Yet so many of my peers wouldnt have a clue how to live off the land, and fend for themselves if it became necessary.

What do you think, if anything, could be done to ensure future generations are more in touch with the world around them? Or is it already too late?...

Great post, nice images, excellent points.

Thank you Jessie, for your feedback. Really nice to hear you talk about your environment and your connection with it. You should put some photos up it sounds beautiful.
I am hoping that alot of younger people will find their way back to the wilderness, sometimes it only takes one trip into the natural world to reconnect some one. But really I believe we need to reconnect first as people as communities as it is a reflection of our relationships with one another. We are nature and our respect needs to start there and work it's way out.
By the way welcome to steemit, I'm following you now.

I am just trying to get a feel for how the site works before i make my intro post, but once i do you can expect many photos. :)

I am sure you do already, but appreciate what you have while it's still here. I wish I lived like you before I entered the rat-race. You sound like a clever bloke. Take care and beware of all those bugs and monsters ;)

I can't tell you how often I feel this way in the solar business. It drives me mad. People are just waiting for someone else to do something while complaining about no one doing anything.
And, oh, the "people are a disease" crew. My lord. Where in the world do you think you came from? Thinking we are a disease. Is honestly just a different manifestation of ego. We are one, and we need to begin behaving as such. Balance, balance, balance.

I know, I try to be patient and listen but it grates me too. lots of people with loads of excuses. breathe breathe breathe, that's what I keep telling myself.

"I try to be patient and listen, but" is almost certainly the story of my life.

JUMPING IN MUDDY PUDDLES!! Should be the very next thing they learn, after walking. Great sentiments in this article and your point about how we tell children off for being dirty is one I had not considered. Another lesson learned and becoming closer to my natural self everyday. Thanks for assisting :)

thank you @team-solutions x

You are so right. Our relationship to nature has been turned upside down. I got dirty as a kid living on the farm, and I am certain it helped develop my immune system which is pretty good. I was not afraid of my kids getting dirty--should be all in a child's day. There is good science, but there is also very biased and manipulated science with a closed mind, and is preventing positive solutions from coming out. I saw this article the other day about a village in India that lives without policitics, religion, and money: https://ancient-code.com/city-people-live-without-politics-religion-without-money/

Thank you @shevans for your comment, I feel very lucky that my children get to grow up in nature, outside everyday and always coming back to me dirty. That's what being a kid is all about. Thank you for sharing the link, will definitely look at it.

Some people really do treat nature like it is something bad for them or not in favor for them. yes, there are extremes like hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and other natural catastrophes but don't we all have extremes? Aren't we all extremely volatile or temperamental at times? Of course we are. If we somehow accept it to be alright if a human being is volatile, we should be accepting towards a natural catastrophe too. yes, we need to be prepared for it and act to the best of our abilities when it strikes but that doesn't make nature bad.

And you are right in saying that some people view being dirty as bad. I am too very happy when my son gets all dirty by playing in mud and out in open because I know he has had fun and being in nature also keeps us grounded. Sadly, we don't have too many parks and natural settings here that are safe to be explored. We have a few parks but not jungles or forests close by that we can go in on our own. Love the concept of this post!

Thank you @sharoonyasir for you comment, nature really is all around us, I love to see how trees and plants try to take back areas in towns and cities that have been left idle. It is really nice to be able to go out into the wild, but it also surrounds us we never have to look too far, to see it or hear it. My belief is that we are nature, we are all made of the same stuff and our reconnecting needs to start with us reconnecting with one another x

Pesticides and conventional farming is a form of control on nature which creates more problems down the track. Our pesticides kill bees etc etc etc and pests become resistent. We were given a seed, water ,light and earth, how is this not enough. I could rant for a long time but couldn't agree more with your post about science and technology. Hopefully people become more aware of the issues of mass production and greed. I love meat but it is truly not sustainable. People whinge about vegans, but to be honest, if we all ate plant based products the world would be a better place. It is not sustainable to wipe out vast amounts of rainforest, feed animals with so much grain, create excessive waste and use animals for profit. There are many arguments from all sides but even though I still eat meat, it does seem wrong in our current situation. Our society consume and consume. Over sized houses, excessive toys, phones, computers, and so on. Companies design for obsoleteness, making us consume more and creating more waste. The whole world has to change, it makes it hard when very few are educated in the overall picture or either don't have any say what so ever;) plato's cave is a great analogy of the world today. The media/government views are projected into our minds making us believe a view of a completley different world that surrounds us. No wonder our kids lose touch with our environment.

Great response @imperialaussie, thank you for that. You should write a post about it, it's a great way to get those feeling out and hopefully reach some others with it too.
I agree you,some have been moving in the wrong direction, but luckily not all. We do need to stay positive and active, to me that is the key. There are so many people out there who hold respect for their environment and one another, and being on here has opened my eyes even more to that.

this is 100% my way of thinking, I belong to nature I will always see it as my true home it is was keep people grounded to natural laws the ones that really shows us how much bullshit mankind is layering on its existence or meaning.
thank you @trucklife-family earth wisdom is what started life in the first place.

Thank you @blacksheepblog. I'm with you, earth wisdom.
I love George Carlin, great video, 'the planet is fine the people are fxcked'

It sounds like these are the children who've been exposed, overexposed and absorbed in the UNnatural addiction to devices, phones, computers. May they be reclaimed into their natural beingness. Imagine how differently children would be shaped if they spent the first 8 years with ONLY Nature as their teacher. The change must come. Thanks so much for writing this.

Thank you @aspectsofbeauty for your great comment, I agree with you, but I will say that everything needs to be in balance and we need to embrace the age we are living in too, it's a part of us. But the priority needs to be with the natural world.

Yes, i completely agree with your point. The more we embrace the amazing and natural world of which we are made, the more wholeness will appear. I really appreciate what you have noted.

There are children who, if you ask where the milk comes from, answer from the supermarket. That is sad. Nature gives us everything we need, if we take care of it ourselves. It does not have to be that difficult, just deal with your environment in a normal way.

Exactly it doesn't have to be difficult as long as everyone takes responsibility for their actions. Thank you @sustainancy.

I love the line about how some teenagers are more scared of tiny insects than the violence they watch in films. Incredible, the life we have created for ourselves on this planet. I love visiting the city, being around people from all over the world, going to the theatre, art galleries, museums, but I cannot imagine a life where I was displaced from being in nature. I cannot imagine my children growing up outside of it.

I know, it does worry me how some people view the natural world, how removed they are from it. But I feel so lucky that my children are immersed in it, to them it is normal. I plan on bringing them to the city in the next few months, we do need that balance in how we live too.

This is so true! The great outdoors heals us, looking at green colours makes us feel connected to mother earth, putting our hand in the dirt helps relieve depression.
Its important to connect young people with nature, i'm so thankful to the youth work projects that took inner city London children like me on field trips into countryside!
More information, education and initiatives for this cause!

thank you @celestialcow, getting people to reconnect with nature is one of my passions x

yes! definitely resonate with your post and see the disconnect you so aptly describe as being one of the greatest maladies of our times... the switch from power over to power within is SUCH an important part of it, you're right.

I think it also comes down to the collapse of so many of our structures as they inevitably fall from their inherent unsustainability. people respond to collapse. it wakes people up. for i do think a great deal of this is a result of being asleep so to say... growing up being bottle fed a life divorced from nature, many see nature as the "backdrop" to the most important creatures on earth (obviously!) humans (of course tongue and cheek here).

we must step out from our anthropomorphic viewpoints to biocentric and biophilic... there is so much we're missing if we don't. my relationship with this is one of the most fulfilling aspects of my being here... <3 <3

Exactly, this dominant view has been far to beneficial for the powers that rule. Having the general public disconnected and submissive is no threat to them. Our connection to the earth is our power, it really is time to take it back. Thank you @mountainjewel for your sharing your great insight x