RE: ECS Curation Report | September 14, 2021

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ECS Curation Report | September 14, 2021

in ecs •  3 years ago 

Hello there @dr-frankenstein,

Thank you for the answer.

I understand that you would like every content to be unique on the SteemBlockchain but as writing content is not my only job (yet?) I am indeed publishing on many platforms.

As suggested, I took out all the other platforms' links. I am not going to put any back link to any other platforms (including my website).

I am treating all the platforms I am on the same way and would love to have some support on Steem where I started my crypto journey.

So I will write on Steemit with no backlink to other platforms (except sources), I will not powerdown and engage more and as usual reply to my comments.

Thank you for your time.

I joined your discord, that way we could discuss more if needed.

Have a good day.

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