First Post by Eddie Spaghetti

in eddiespaghetti •  3 years ago 

Hello There'

Life on Earth is picking up pace.

A bunch are still caught up in what it means to be a race.

Worry Not I am here...

The Pirate King "Rex E. Viro'Dei' aka Eddie Spaghetti

Based on love not on fear.

I'll do my best to teach them well.

No Beer!

No Wishing Well'

influence'em towards a bright future that is what I will do...

Hope is part of it but not the end; Faith fits well yet Will is necessary!

How are you?

worried or awake?

Ready to help for all our sake?

Take a moment to breath and then we can cook a steak.

My mission is clear and the terrain is unscrupulous; Let's work together.

"Together We Stand. Divided We Fall."

Be Aware of the Call!

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