In The Beginning

in eden •  6 years ago  (edited)

Seven. Yes, the Luminaries or the Shining Ones, are the seven heavenly lights that were known to the ancient cultures traversing the sky against the backdrop of stars around Polaris, the North stationary star; Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

The week from Sunday to Saturday, aka Roman god Dis who represents the week of seven days, each day named after the Lords or gods of the Sky, the Elohim of OT.

Now, the original sentence of the Bible started with Aleph not Bet as it is known today ever since the Babylonian Talmud Rabbis have taken it out, leaving instead the familiar, "In the beginning Elohim (plural) created the heavens and the earth." However it is grammatically incorrect, as the Elohim should be opening the sentence and not following the verbs and nouns.

In Gteek translations God is represented as Alpha and Omega, in Hebrew Aleph and Tov, so why in the world would the Torah start from the second letter in the alphabet representing the house? It is obviously out of place and makes neither grammatical nor common sense. However if Aleph is added back to the opening sentence, the hidden truth then revealed.

The Torah was obviously edited, lead by the Babylonian exile leader High Priest Ezra the Scribe, and finalized in 200 BC Alexandria, and now familiar first sentance of the Torah was modified by the removal of the original first opening letter aleph, not the present bet, thus changing the sentence from the current,

Barashit Bara Elohim At Hashamaim V'At Haaretz, which is gramatically incorrect and spells plural the word translated as God, In the Beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth, which more accurately translated as Lords, into...

Aba Rashit Bara Elohim At Hashamaim V 'At Haaretz, meaning the Father of the Beginnings Created the Lords, the Heavens, and the Earth. With the Virgin Mother Goddess of Creation giving the Birth to Her consort God, the Father of the Beginnings.

Thus in the old synagogue on the Elephantine island in Egypt, on the floor mosaic before two altars are depicted two elephants symbolizing Goddess and God and two lions of Juda representing the Pharaoh's House of Israel of Divine Power and Rule.

Who is to say that the returning from the Babylonian exile "Jews" were actually Jews, since they have violently fought the remaining Karai Jews for the control of the Temple upon their supossed return, they very well may have been the Babylonians in disguise.

After all, why in the world to rename the traditionally numirical months in the year, first month being in the spring and the new year, to the names of the Babylonian gods with the new year in the harvest time when it was celebrated as the new year by Babylonians? Hence is the meaning of Hanukkah Lights.

Be Well, Happy, and Prosper!


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