in edenchain •  7 years ago  (edited)


Picture above is me with Jo Airyung and Lee Yeasul,teachers from Korea support Edenchain

A concise introduction

The crypto-giants like the ethereum and lite coin they are facing multiple issues in multiple areas of the crypto world. Now the world wants something better, smoother, more reliable and more entrepreneurial platform to be successful in the cryptocurrency business. Edenchain has the most delicate structure and plans to solve multiple issues with their blockchain-based platform for the contracts with reliable security, better performance, and the low processing fees.

Edenchain is the future of cryptocurrency, and it will be used in the diverse range of industries like Finance, IOT, Shared Economy and multiple games applications. The Edenchain will provide an ultimate ICO Platform for the start-ups so they can launch their own entrepreneurial ICOs across every sector of the economy. That’s is the reason Edenchain can be compared to Stellar and NEO, and also to ICON.

Edenchain is quite an ambitious platform looking forward to the programmable economy of the world. Edenchain seeks a well-balanced structure between the process of decentralization, privacy, security and performance. One of the major reasons why the Edenchain ICO will be more powerful than its competitors is that Edenchain has the strengths of the adaptability, performance, security and reliability.

The technical overview of The architectural structure of Edenchain consists of these three significant layers;

  1. The Distributed Ledger Layer which is entirely based on a Hyperledger framework.
  2. The validation layer that uses an EVM Ethereum Virtual Machine to execute all the smart contracts.
  3. The Bridge Layer that securely connects data between the on-chain as well as the off-chain nodes.
    The explanation of all these three layers will be described in the content after discussing the advantages of the platform.

The advantages that the users will get from the Edenchain ICO
Edenchain uses the system of (POET) Proof of elapsed time for the consensus to reduce the resource utilization and the energy consumption. This platform will allow you to control and proceed your transactions on a (FIFO) first-in-first-out basis, this makes the processing fees more trustful, reliable and of low-cost benefit. The namespaces are available to solve the data-consistency issues, the data-consistency in smooth form will make transactions to be processed in the parallel form. In Edenchain, every namespace can process up to 1000 TPS, which will provide the level of linear scalability and millions of crypto transactions and will get the maximum amount of benefits. The E-Bridge of Edenchain guarantees the zero-knowledge trust in the on-chain and the off-chain data.

Who protects such data? It is wholly protected by the Intel’s Software Guard Extension (SGX), ECC-TC and the traditional HTTPS encryption. All the contracts at the Edenchain network are ERC20-compliant, and they will all accommodate existing tokens and solidity developers. Moreover, the private ledgers due to enabling the reverse ICOs will allow all tangible and intangible assets to be tokenized.

Another advantage of Edenchain is it is faster and safer than any other crypto Blockchain platform on the planet earth.
Let me tell you how it is much safer and faster.
Solidity is what they promise for the developers that will make the adaptation of platform very easy and a whole lot more secure, Edenchain is definitely more popular than any other Blockchain platform in the market on the basis of smart contract language.

To describe the speedy behavior of the platform let us talk about the transactions. The transactions will be conducted in much more fine detail, as Edenchain can execute massive numbers of transactions very quickly. Edenchain haven't disclosed the information about how many ways and figures they will be able to conduct precisely but they are experimenting with their process of transactions, and they will describe the number of ways soon. They sure have a pretty robust system to control a vast number of transactions at a time. This is something that we love about the new ICO system, the transparency and the truth, and they haven't promised anything that they haven't tested, experienced to claim and impress the market. They have made blockchain safer than ever, and Edenchain employs the secure E-bridge layer for the retrieving of data from various data sources. This e-bridge encrypts the whole data and uses the median voter theorem (MVT) for the protection of this data that is going to be processed and transferred for multiple purposes.

One another advantage is that Edenchain is that the platform will allow the usage of DApps & masternodes on its system. This is massive, the developers, users and everybody involved with the cryptocurrency platform wanted this application linkage, and Edenchain has provided it. These steps taken by Edenchain has boosted the interest of many aspiring individuals on the Edenchain ICO platform. With this feature, you can quickly build the DApps on Edenchain, and hence these apps will support the masternodes.

Now we will look into the problems of today’s world regarding technology, cryptocurrency, blockchain network and the solutions that brought by the

The problems of the present
Regarding technology:
•​The technology is growing rapidly, and the advancement of the technological digital means has proved to be beneficial for the people and blockchain platforms. However, the increase in technology also has proved to be vulnerable in many cases. Especially in the transaction processes. Transactions often can be susceptible, and scammers can get inside, and things can go wrong. Blockchain platforms are all undoubtedly secure, and there is no doubt about that but when transactions occur, that is where the security becomes deficient. Most of the platforms haven't really focused on mainstream secure adoption and transactions secure transfer.
•​Now, about the performance, the current platforms offer many solutions that have improved the overall performance of the whole system but the performance doesn't come easy because all such perks come at the trade-off of security.
Regarding the global market:
•​Talking about the tangible assets, all the tangible assets like real estate, valuable arts, furniture automobile, automotive, etc. are entirely sold in the market managed by the several intermediaries. Both of the parties involved in the system of transaction require all these excellent services because of the lack of experiences, specifically in the transactions process, in the process of finalizing the sales, the oversight necessities, and a whole lot more. These particular fees could easily range up to 20% or even possibly more.
•​About the intangible assets, lack of such platforms that provide the means to the broker deals for all the intangible assets (such as time, services, social influence, networking, e-products, fame, etc.), these assets causes few of the current existing platforms to charge extremely high fees for the connecting and happening of all these deals, simply monopolizing the market.

The solutions Edenchain ICO has brought to the market

Edenchain has created the ultimate possible solution of all global technical issues that present-day global market economy are facing. Their most exceptional approach for the solution to the problems is specifically regarding the user’ security protocols in each and very matter online. Their excellent platform can actually solve all the issues that are faced by entrepreneurs today, and problems will be solved most appealingly. Let’s get to know about the solutions from the Edenchain ICO platform.
•​The platform allow users to create the finest marketplace, with the attachment of their assets (both tangible and intangible) and trade via the cryptocurrency, with no involvement of any third-party. Direct people to people, business to business, no middle-man are the things that entrepreneurs involved in the online crypto platforms always wanted, and Edenchain ICO has brought it on the table.
•​Edenchain platform offers top-level security regarding the interoperability, and they will do it by implementing the finest designed consensus algorithm which will ensure the data integrity between all on-chain and off-chain network, as being concisely described above.
•​The ICO platform will combine Namespace with Merkle Tree, which in result isolates all transactions by Namespace. This ultimately secures the scalability and performance by constructing an execution system that is capable of doing parallel processing by Namespace and multiple transactions at a single time, which is quite neat and convenient for potential users.
Explanation of the technology in the platform
The architecture of Edenchain ICO
Edenchain’s architecture is a composition of 3 layers, as being described before, the first one is distributed ledger layer, the second one is the validation layer, and the third one is the bridge layer.

Let me further explain each and every one of these layers in detail, so you will be able to understand how the system works technically.
•​Distributed Ledger Layer: It is entirely based on the Linux Foundation, especially their open source project, i.e. the Hyperledger Sawtooth, this first distributive ledger layer will provide an excellent decentralized database for the functioning process of the whole Edenchain platform. This is the layer in which all data used in blockchain will be distributed and stored securely. Only transaction data in the validation layer will be processed according to the agreement provided by the platform. The distributed ledger data can easily be added via secure transactions.
The PoET (Proof of Elapsed Time) system that has been explained previously consists of consensus algorithm which uses a central processing unit command in SGX Software Guard Extension, for the selection of a leader on a random basis for the solutions of multiple problems without any utilization of more substantial amounts. The SGX will allow all applications to function under the trusted code in a very secure and protected environment.
•​The Validation Layer: The second layer is where transactions are conducted, executed and also verified via an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). All transactions that will be performed, all of them will be executed and tested in the 2nd layer via the excellent EVM. The automatic transaction controller will be available for users that will be allowing them the resource management for all transactions and nodes. The users can use the optimal resources and the powers of computing for dealing with this Blockchain, because of the real-time workload monitoring of in the Trusted Execution Environment provided by Edenchain ICO. There will be no any data dependency issue whatsoever on this platform because of this 2nd layer. Moreover, the performance of the system is going to be cheetah fast and reliable for dealing with large transactions. The performance is what they guarantee.
•​Finally the Bridge Layer: The 3rd layer consists of the e-bridge which connects the platform with all external data sources that are about to be connected with the platform via the secured interoperability. The platform will be able to do it by enabling on-the-chain smart contracts that will connect with all off-chain modules, which is actually very smart. In the third bridge layer, the e-Protocol is used by the ECC-TC, which is actually one of the most robust encryption techniques on the planet, which guarantees a secure connection between all nodes.

About the Tokens

Ticker is EDN, and the token type falls in the category of ERC-20, the post crowd sale swapped into Edenchain’s wallet format, likely to begin in 2019. Token Price of ICO will be, 1 EDN = 0.0600 USD. Hard Cap is $24,000,000 USD and the total number of Tokens are 1,000,000,000.
The considerations about the ICO platform/Verdict
Edenchain ICO could be one of the biggest winners of 2018. The reason is that the ICO is a highly ambitious project, has a realistic roadmap and has some very strong partnerships. In fact, all of its advisors are also from Stellar team who are incredibly professional and successful entrepreneurs of the crypto world. This simply shows that the platform has a huge potential. It is hoped that the platform can bring ease for users in many ways and is likely to solve a maximum number of blockchain network problems. Let's hope for the best.

This is my personal view on Edenchain,not a suggestion to invest in it.Do your own research and please give your comment and upvote it.

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