Unintended Poetry: Bedtime Snack

in editedbyclay •  7 years ago 
Image by Asi24 on Pixabay

Bedtime Snack

Since I usually
get up late
in the morning
and often don't
eat again until
dinner. It isn't
unusual for me
to need a snack
if I'm up late.

I usually end
up with hot cocoa
and peanut butter
or cream cheese
on digestives.

They're not good
for me, but I end
up sleeping.

Unintended poetry is a weird craze that has struck @thewritersblock discord. The idea was started by @damianjayclay but a few others are joining in on editing our random babble into poetry.

This one is a true #editedbyclay


As I usually do, I pledge the SBD payout of this post to @tarc. It wouldn't exist without Clay's editing so the money goes to charity. TARC is an animal rescue in a poverty stricken area of Appalachia. The money they get through donations like this helps their efforts to take in dogs in desperate situations--often abandoned or about to be--get them needed vet care and rehome them through rescue organizations is less desperate areas. The ultimate dream of the organization is to raise awareness in the area and hopefully some day provide low cost spay and neuter options to locals.

If you're a writer and would love to be a part of a server where unintended poetry is common, check out @thewritersblock.

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(Or be like me and proxy your votes to @gmuxx or someone else you trust!)

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