To mandate morality?

in editedbyclay •  7 years ago 

If you haven't met Big Bad Bear  @damianjayclay - should.

You can find him over in the discord channels :The Writer's Block.. sometimes in Steemit Ramble and most recently in BuddyUp.  He's a bear of a different variety every few days  (right now he's a panda!)  and he likes to listen.  

He doesn't just listen, he hears.  

Then, he takes the raw material that comes from your mind, spilling over your keyboard into letters, numbers and punctuation, and refines and polishes these items until they sparkle like diamonds.

What makes these diamonds even more special than the already rare jewels?  The organic symbiosis of two separate entities becoming one priceless gem.

Priceless to me.  Twice now :)  

The other day we were all chatting about Steemit, (of course! Is there any other more valuable subject to Steemians?) and he scooped up a part of my conversation and held onto it until he saw me today.   What a special "welcome home" gift for me!  This particular #unintendedpoet piece that was #editedbyclay  was regarding the recent talk of the return of some potential restrictions on Steemit that would hopefully curtail some of the bad behavior and rippling consequences that affect our Steemit world.   Here was my response, shined up by @damianjayclay

Mistakes of Mandated Morality

You can't block 

bad behavior. 

You can only restrict 

the obvious ways. 

The sneaky people 

will continue. 

The honest people 

will stop. 

The honest people 

aren't the problem.

It's like prohibition: 

people will just make 

moonshine in their basements.

by @dreemsteem

So fun to work with you B3 .. even if it's unintentional ;)  (and i PROMISE... the intentional poem with you and me is COMINGGGG.)  hehehehe and @angelveselinov, maybe I will someday be a poet??? one poem at a time -thanks to Damian and you! :)

#editedbyclay #unintendedpoet

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Boom! This one was a good one!

I agree! And it was especially impactful to me that he held onto it until I came home!!! 😊