"The mixture of three feelings that significantly affect the child's understanding of their personal dignity"

in edu-venezuela •  6 years ago  (edited)


Greetings to the whole community.

In this new exchange of knowledge, we will review three feelings that, once captured by the child, significantly affect their understanding of their personal dignity: the feeling that is unique, the feeling that is part of the family and the feeling of being loved.

These three feelings combine to give stability and support to the structure of the concept that the child forms of himself. If one of these three aspects is weak, in the same degree the concept that the child forms of himself will be weak.

Let's review each feeling.

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1. The feeling that is unique.


It is important to know that each person is unique and that what a child has deserves special respect. Children are never carbon copies. Whether you have two or fifteen children, each one will have your individuality. And each child must recognize that he is unique and that he can make a contribution to the family that no one else can do. This feeling of being something unique can be based on the fact that it is the eldest son, the intermediate or the youngest, or special talents or abilities. As parents, we are pleased to think about the unique characteristics that each of our children has contributed to our family. The eldest son could be an organizer and creator; the average son, perhaps the one who excels in school and gets the most outstanding honors, and the youngest son, is an excellent sportsman and likes to work with children. Recognize in each of your children the special contribution you make to your family and make them see that you can occupy an important place in your life.

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2. The feeling that is part of the family.


It is wonderful to know that a child realizes if the father or mother feels happy when he is with them. It can detect if it "belongs" to the family. The child who has the feeling of being an unnecessary appendage or who thinks it is the "fifth wheel of the car" or an "unfortunate accident", will have a hard time feeling respected.

We all have the basic need to feel that we are "part of" or that we are part of a group. The case of a child is not different. You need to experience a feeling of unity with your family. This feeling is fundamentally established during childhood.

When parents take proper care of their baby and meet their needs, when they embrace him with love, he develops the feeling of being loved. Soon it establishes a basic trust in people. From these early beginnings is the basis of your future relationship with people.

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3. The feeling that he is loved.


We all know that children need love, but many of us assume that our children know automatically that we love them. On the one hand, there are countless children who feel that they are not loved, even if their parents care deeply about them. On the other hand, some children never hear the words "I love you" and, nevertheless, they feel that their parents manifest a deep concern for them.

Often, parents believe that they show love because they put aside their own interests to attend to the interests of the child, take care of him, give him advantages or spend a lot of time with him. But this does not necessarily make a child feel loved. Warm affect stimulates growth, but does not guarantee that a child feels loved. The child needs to be sure that he is loved.

It is important to remember that your child should love him because he is his. You must love Pedrito not because he is behaving well now, not because he has good grades in school, not because he is a good athlete, not because he is obedient, but because he is his. He loves him because he is little. No other experience can be compared to this kind of love. When you love your child in this way, he will feel that he belongs, that they need him and that they respect him, and these intimate feelings of security will help him to become a solid and mature person.

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