How to use neurofeedback as a help resource in children?

in edu-venezuela •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Neurofeedback is a different alternative, which offers tools of educational help and even serves to understand aspects of daily life, but especially to emphasize the development of children.

To work in terms of neurofeedback is to allow new learning routes and, in turn, to know oneself.

The media is trained to get answers, because sometimes the way we communicate is not assertive and does not lead to an answer. Then, neurofeedback is fundamental as it assesses the media, determining how they can be improved and then the emotions are mastered from there.

Plasticity helps us generate new cells, new connections and these connections allow us to solve problems in a different way. An example where you can see the progress of working with neurofeedbak is that you do not get hooked on anger, do not get stressed and this is very important.

In this path that neurofeedback takes us, there are many beautiful things that highlight the importance of being well, that encourages training to be well.

Neurofeedback has a lot to do with emotions, so it is necessary to have a nutrition environment, taking the approach of giving the same value or weight to the emotions that are part of the human being.

How do the skills acquired through neurofeedback help?

From this help strategy children learn to control their emotions and know the routes to go.

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The best capacity of the brain is that it can be remodeled, creating new connections to reeducate, which is where neurofeecback comes into play and this has to happen through training, which requires a repetition of self-knowledge and self-control, which helps resolve situations in different ways.

When the child knows that there are different patterns in which emotions often overflow, whether in joy, anger, sadness, then this training allows the search for an assertive form of the best solution.

How do we realize that the brain is not mature enough to face situations?

A fundamental premise is the concept of self-knowledge, where there are very basic symptoms and any diagnosis must be based on a manual that clarifies this feeling, these actions.

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For example: the retention of information, where the person can not concentrate for prolonged periods, things are forgotten, among others. These difficulties have to do with a neurological immaturity or alterations in development; This means that the brain is not developing each area to pay attention, to remember, to control impulses or to solve problems in a different way.

When these types of situations occur, it is propitious to work with neurofeedback and with educational support.

How does neurofeedback training work?

  • Performing an initial evaluation to know the whys, which has led the child to certain situations.
  • A continuous training based on neurofeedback.
  • Evaluation of behaviour, enrichment d procedures among others.
  • Follow-up of the process, it becomes essential because this way, the conclusions of the initial training and the subsequent results will be drawn.

How can we understand the situations the child goes through?

A base study is made, where it is observed if the activity is regulated, high or low, then on the basis of this neurological activity an abnormal or normal functioning is determined.

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The mapping performed by neurofeedback helps to have a range of standardized data and gathers valuable information with the child's history.

This tool allows the multifunctional approach in real time, observing inattention or attention capacity, through a computer with connections in the head of the child that measures the activity of the brain.

Neurofeedback is tangible and measurable

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This tool is based on a specific fact and with the help of an electroencephalogram with brain mapping that allows knowing the electrical activity and the bioelectrical maturity of the child. When alterations are detected, questionnaires are carried out such as those applied in the school, direct interviews are conducted with the representatives to find out when these situations have arisen and, in this way, there are no diagnoses without a basis.

It is important in this pattern verification process that representatives understand and are aware that children should be in a monitoring period of approximately six (06) months, so that this will help integration for the benefit of the child.

When the child presents some difficulty, the use of the neurofeedback method is useful, since his master organ does not work one hundred percent, his attention fluctuates, memory tends to have episodes in which he remembers parts or fragments. Also when they are going through situations, their area of motivation is lower.

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It is helpful to find this type of tools such as neurofeedback, since it allows us to give another point of view to knowledge and the existing realities, being beneficial for personal improvement.

Greetings educators and motivators of education.




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