Studies show that around 49% of people feel like their attention span is shorter than it used to be, and 50% of us check our phones on average every 12 minutes. There are some simple tips that can help us improve our focus, such as studying with friends and doing something fun every day. I used to do this at university by setting up a group called the Pomodoro Society. We would all get together and do 25 minutes of work, then chat for 5 minutes or watch youtube videos. This made studying more fun and it helped us to improve our focus. I also used to run Zoom coworking sessions, which are like mini adventures. They make it feel like you're doing something interesting and fun every day.
The Pomodoro Technique is good for technique because it means for 25 minutes you are full on laser focusing on just that thing that you're trying to do. You're not getting distracted by notifications here and there, so one thing that I like to do is I hold option and I click the clock on my Mac, so my computer becomes "Do Not Disturb" mode. Skillshare has created a mastering productivity learning path, which includes four of my own classes. This video is also sponsored by Skillshare. The first thing here is when it comes to our environment, we basically want to try our best to avoid distractions. There are so many studies that support this. If you just have your phone on your desk, that reduces your ability to focus. Bobby says we need to remember that life is more than just about trying to focus and trying to be productive. Actually, it's all about kind of health and relationships as well as inspiring atmosphere. Some studies show that having green plants nearby or in your office improves your creativity.
While it is important to rest and sleep, it is also important to exercise and eat nutritiously. I have spoken to many students who have struggled to focus and the rest of their life is not put together like they don't prioritize their sleep. There are some small percentage of the population (I can't remember what number it is, maybe 10%) for whom caffeine does not affect them at all. I have not tried any of these study drugs, but I feel like you know there are a lot of things you can do before you start relying on pharmacological methods for improving your focus. However, it is important to take breaks in between work sessions