TSTDWYTKAD #0011 - Education

in education •  6 years ago  (edited)

We left the end of TSTDWYTKAD #0010 - The bigger picture and our fake world with “A very big part of why we believe most of what we believe stems from the education system. We’re indoctrinated from an early age and it’s been done with the porpoise [sic] to keep us in the dark.” Let's take a peek.

We're told a solid education is the foundation of knowledge, career prospects, and all kinds of other good stuff. The more you get, the better for you, keys to future success, personal enrichment, etc.

Meh ... maybe it’s otherwise, like many other things out there in our realm of existence. Now, don’t get Bob wrong here. Seeking knowledge and learning is great, but is our education system there to actually provide that?

We are brainwashed from birth, and education plays a large part of shaping our perception of the world, and how we believe everything works. We are deliberately dumbed down, and we largely don't know it. Here's a good place to consider starting with, at Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt's website, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. The situation ain't unique to America either.

We’re led to think that more pieces of paper make you smarter, when it’s mostly about rote memorization of stuff that isn’t necessarily true or real, giving us a false perception of the world we live in. It makes us all the more manageable and likely to stay in line throughout life though.

How do a small minority running the shop control the masses to their agenda and plan? By keeping them in the dark believing a bunch of limited information and indoctrinating them.

To start to figure this all out, one needs to look at how the agenda was hijacked, the curriculum set, and by who. Here’s a short introductory snippet.

However, this hiding of knowledge goes back a very long time before this. Not many of us are given full and unfettered access to places like the Vatican Library, be it online or physically.

Our main man, George Carlin, summarizes it in more direct fashion. He’s letting on to a lot more most of us won’t even pick up on.

If you can memorize and regurgitate verbatim, the programming material foisted on you over several years with your peers, you get the prize.

Graduation = Gradual + Indoctrination

Y'all can keep going back for lots more at the increasingly €xpen$ive (and unaffordable) buffet too. As one longtime friend was fond of saying in our skool daze of yore:

BA – Bugger All
BS – Bullshit
MS – More shit
PhD – Piled higher + deeper

Don’t ever feel intimidated by those folks with lots of letters after their names. A little imagination and creativity can go a long way to fixing stuff really quickly and snazzing up one’s own seemingly deficient, post-name "letter" presence. Here are a few sample titles/acronyms Bob has bestowed upon himself these last years.

Bob N. Boguslavski - OWG, PTT, HHRF

Sure as shit looks pretty impressive, don’t it?!

OWG – Occasional Wedding Guest
PTT – Part-time typist
HHRF – Head Honcho, Rancho Fuckwit

By reading obediently to this point, you garner one for free, to use now, or give away later to your favorite mother-in-law – CJTC.

If “someone” somehow gets wind of that, yo, quick like a bunny, say it stands for Caring, Judicious, Tantalizing (or Talented) Countess, and you're solidly covered with an escape.

We basically memorize fake history, misleading or outright fraudulent science, and other garbage and fairy tales on myriad topics, and then believe we may be smarter for it all. The system keeps us in check, because questioning anything means you a get a big phat, friggin' Fail, and may need to repeat it until you get it “right” to their liking.

A more psychological and behavioral slant on education is below, and don't be turned off by the presence of controlled opposition agent, Alex Jones, in parts. He actually does spout and sputter some informative stuff on this particular topic.

There’s a lot more on this topic for those who want to dig. We're just trying to keep a shorter entrée into this area for those that be interested.

Source Credit: Gerald Scarfe for Pink Floyd's "Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2" (1979)

The challenge in the beginning is to consider even questioning this system, diving in and doing all the hard work of deconstructing and dismantling all the crap we have been indoctrinated with since childhood.

And when the omniscient, wise “they” say to question everything, they REALLY mean it. The more one digs into how shit really operates, the more one sees that much of what we are taught, just isn’t like we are spoonfed to believe. It just appears that way on the surface, and very few of we mofo masses will scratch below the veneer.

Controlled opposition agent Jordan Maxwell does have something on point here.

And then when “graduation” day rolls around, there’s hidden meaning they don’t tell you about with all that robe and cap stuff.

Bob always wondered why deep inside, he intuitively went out of his way a few times to avoid this day and skip the “ceremony” altogether. Only now does it make sense. Musta bin sum-buddy talkin’ with a tip.

We emerge from those pens or corrals with pieces of paper and having capped it off, pardon the pun, by participating in a ritualistic ceremony with occult meaning. Look into all that separately.

You may study electrical engineering, but they won’t tell you about Nikola Tesla and harnessing electricity from the air for free. We live in a world of unlimited free energy hidden in plain sight, yet you still pay your electricity bill. You may be a doctor, even a renowned oncologist, but they won’t tell you about all the existing effective cures for cancer that have been around for a century now. You may work in banking your whole life, but not be aware of how money is created from nothing by the few and used to enslave humanity on all levels, from the individual to companies and countries alike.

You won’t see a good base life skill like this below, being taught to all of us.

We’re not taught to question and think for ourselves. It’s like this very telling scene from The Truman Show (1998).

A large portion of our "reality" lens comes from our education system. They get you early, for a long time, to drive it all home.

It is possible to break free and see the deception of everything though.

Pick a topic and take it apart, and then others a few times, and several more thereafter. Then one will start to see the lie of everything that is used to keep us under control. That’s the purpose of this TSTDWYTKAD series, for those that may be willing to embark on the journey. The biggest impediment to getting started is to question the official education we have received and what its objectives are.

Aside, let's NOT confuse education with intelligence either. Bob’s sorry ass took a look at that on his separate blog with Education + intelligence blah-blah, which is good for another giggle or two.

Life's an endless journey of knowledge seeking, and unfortunately, the really good and true shite be kept from us, hidden away, so you have to show some initiative and go seek it yourself.

Along the way, you may well reverse the brainwashing and deprogram yourself, ditching the other disinformation there to massage, manage and manipulate your mind.

Bob repeats ... for retention purposes—how do the very few control the masses? Limit what we believe and know, and it’s way mo' eazy to govern and keep us all in line. And one of the key things killed along the way is our imagination, which is very important, and deserves way more elaboration unto itself, another time.

DM (aka Danger Mouse) & Jemini – Ghetto Pop Life
(including The London Ghetto Pop Choir - Intro)
Left-field Hip Hop / Gangsta Rap
Album: Ghetto Pop Life | Lex Records (UK) [LEX010] (2003)

The Stuff (or Shit) They Don't Want You To Know About Department (aka TSTDWYTKAD)

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