I enjoyed every single moment... #CRM Class

in education •  7 years ago 


Today's class was epic, I enjoyed every single moment. The tutor, Mr. Henry went beyond our expectations to teach us alot of things about customer relationship management. We did an exercise, a very important and interesting one. it's a teamwork, we were divided into two groups, group1 and 2 and we were required to design a 7steps retention program with reference to upsales, cross sale, discount and probono. The exercise is aimed at putting together strategies that will keep your customers happy with the products and services you're offering as a business owner... IMG_20180317_140852.jpg
My team worked on a business model we called TY Clothing line.... We shared insights on what is required of the business to make it thrive and successful.. it was a good one, we did great with the exercise... Without a doubt today's class stood out as the best we've had..
God bless Mr Henry
God bless Sansvid-M Corp Members
God bless Sansvid-M

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Nice one man

Thanks Engr. Enjoy today