Former Arizona Teacher Creates Based and Red Pilled Homeschool Curriculum

in education •  2 years ago 

Homeschool Lectures Created by Former Teacher Circulate Online Promote White Wellbeing

Fortunately for white children, there are alternatives to Marxist dogshit that teaches them to be proud of their ancestors' accomplishments instead of collective shame and guilt for misdeeds. If anti-white bigots can attribute collective guilt and shame to an entire group for the actions of some individuals (an example of the composition fallacy) we can attribute collective pride for the inventions and industry of individuals within that group; blame is a two way street.

"A summary of the contents of the youth lectures states that the curriculum will "understand the gift of being born a member of Westernkind and the qualities that separate us from the other races." The youth curriculum also introduces the concept that "only the White race can build Western Civilization" and learn to celebrate "aspects of Westernkind."

So they teach a positive version of the CRT doctrine of white privilege I.e. another version of the same division fallacy. Just because something is true of a data set does not make it true of every data point or any one in particular. The proponents of whiteness on either side lack appeal to people who don't believe in substance theory metaphysics or metaphysics in general. The last part is a bit of historical speculation; something anti-whites employ in every argument.

"The teen curriculum is based around "understanding propaganda" and examining "anti-white propaganda" in the news media. The other teen-oriented lectures also promote the idea that "anti-whites" are inflicting harm on Western Civilization."

Which is true. The liberal media will literally smear a white kid for smiling at an Indian banging a drum in his face, but won't mention the race of the perpetrator of racially motivated crimes against whites and Asians.

While I don't necessarily agree with everything in this curriculum it is paramount that children learn different perspectives of history; a pluralistic education allows kids to make informed decisions about their own values and views. I learned about other religions in Catholic school and non-belief as well. I for one do not object to Marxism or any other leftist articles of faith being taught in classrooms; I learned about Marxism in the same Catholic high school. I object to them being taught as the gospel truth with no alternatives; as if they are as self evident as 2+2=4 or that the angles of a triangle sum up to 180 degrees. Proof is exclusive to the fields of logic and mathematics, parsimony and explanatory power to the natural sciences, and conjecture and bullshit to ideology because every ism at its core is set of selection biases that elevates the in-group and puts down the enemy. The advantage ideology has over other forms of tribalism is packing their presumptions and prejudices into suitcase words like "System" and "systemic".

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