I have always had a great love of words. I seem to have been imbued, thankfully, with a strange innate ability to rapidly string words together into humorous arrays which typically when uttered, joyously, bring either grins, or full blown belly laughs, to family, friends and associates. It's glorious to see it. It's a giving thing, and comes as natural to me, as painting any beautiful scene might come, to a master artist.
So, when I hear a word which I may not have heard before, or which I may be aware of, but do not employ that often, I typically stop and vow to adopt that word and try to embed it into my personal lexicon.
One day recently I thought, how nice it would be to put together a series of short videos which would, on a word by word basis, assist people in understanding the meaning, and the power of words.
Here then, is part of our continuing journey with amazing words.
Enjoy -
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