Why is it ?

in education •  3 years ago 


Not long ago, two male classmates ran away from home in my daughter’s school. When my daughter went home and said, I didn’t care much. But yesterday, my friend mentioned it again and I realized that one of the boys was the son of my colleague Zeng.

I have seen a boy who is tall and strong at the age of 13, and looks shy and white. Due to restrictions on the Internet at home, Zeng’s son secretly took 5,000 yuan, and the other took 10,000 from home. They chose a corner Internet cafe and did not go home for three days and three nights, causing their parents, relatives and friends to look around. Later, with the help of public security personnel, they found the two children from the Internet cafe.

I'm asking why such a young child is so fascinated by the Internet. For this reason, he came to an Internet cafe not far from his brother's clothing store with questions, and secretly checked who was online by scanning photos.

It's really a coincidence. I just met the owner of the Internet cafe who was swearing. I saw a girl about 15 years old, with a red face, head down, at a loss, one foot kept rubbing on the floor, I Stand aside silently.

"You don't have any money to go online. I don't care if you have money or not. If you don't have any money, don't leave today. I want to meet people who are like you every day. Can I still do business?"

"Uncle, can I bring it to you tomorrow? You just..."

"No, stop talking." The boss looked angry.

The girl was silent and stopped begging, standing still with her head down deeply

The boss turned around and asked if I was online? I hurriedly denied the explanation, and when I asked to scan a photo, it cost me 38 yuan.

At this time, the girl seemed to find something with her hand in her pocket, and she couldn't wait to ask: "I have a meal ticket, okay? I will give you money tomorrow."

The boss agreed impatiently. "Good, good, it must be delivered to me tomorrow."

The girl put down the red plastic meal ticket and ran out of the Internet cafe. At that time, I forgot the purpose of going. I ignored the boss's back and walked out angrily. On the way home, I was puzzled. Are children really confused by passion when they go online? They can’t distinguish the pitfalls of the Internet. What should I do for them?

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