The Importance of Supporting the Dreams of Our Children

in education •  6 years ago 

I really love seeing people thriving in their ideal life.

The Ladies Quartet - Kim, Caroline, Quincie, Ashley

I've been writing the past few days about my daughter Quincie,
who has been singing a cappella four-part harmony
for 17 years with Sweet Adelines.

The Ladies singing an impromptu song shared in an underground tunnel in New Zealand following their first place winning of the Sweet Adelines Young Women In Harmony Rising Stars competition. Quincie (tenor), Ashley (bass), Caroline (lead), and Kim (baritone)

Most of the young people I know (and I know many not only through my kids, but through a decade of hosting people from around the world at the @gardenofeden), are just finding a way to get by.  They are often in debt, and looking for a lucrative means of taking care of their responsibilities.  I have seen very few that actually live their passion.  As a matter of fact, many don't even know what they really even care about.  I suppose that is no real surprise, as their parents are often that way too, having spent so much time in school, doing what they're supposed to do, and hoping to and focusing on building for themselves a financially secure retirement.

I believe some of Quincie's success has come from being an unschooler.
Giving her the freedom to make her own choices, whether or not they were in alignment with societies ideas of what is right, wrong, good, bad, timely or necessary, has proven to allow her the opportunity to follow her heart.
She is a steady, strong, capable, responsible and passionate woman, who has built a life of her own choosing, investing hundreds of hours in herself, rather than in simply procuring a high school diploma, and the drudgery of making a living.

Few of us can say we've had the time, energy, support or even the vision to build our own dream, and we often get stuck in a rut of just doing what we "have to do" to keep our daily lives functional.  Most of us have heard the expression "Do what you love and the money will come", but very few of us have actually experienced that to be the case.  It seems to be much more difficult to jump out of life's already charted trajectory and just start living our own authentic path, than it is to have started that journey from the time we are young."

@qiqi-power making up her own song at the @gardenofeden when she was about 4

As I've seen the outcome of what can happen when someone is raised with freedom to make their own choices, to experiment with a wide range of experiences, and to be supported without our own jaded perspective shadowing their potential, I realize more than ever the value of providing such a reality for children.

Me and my kids - Carlos and Quincie

Everyday I not only see the growth and enjoyment that my children exhibit, I also am blessed to be living it again with the children at the @gardenofeden.  A holistic life based on passionate, personal engagement truly is a path to an open mind, an open heart, and genius engagement of possibility.

I've written many blogs about parenting and unschooling.  Here are a few that may interest you, especially if you're a human being who cares about the future of not only the next generation, but of the world.  

The children are bringing us fresh perspective,
and can set a new example of a life well lived.  
Let's support them and give them the chance to do it their way and reap their own magnificent rewards for living authentically to their path, and receive for ourselves  the benefit of a brave new world.

@quinneaker has been an icon for decades, setting the example of what happens when someone lives the life of their own design.  He is the oldest unschooler I know and created the @gardenofeden to hold space for his own children, as well as others young and old.  You can see from his dynamic, visionary, conscious creation of life that genius, potent and empowered living is the outcome.  Tune into his blog, the blog of the @gardenofeden, @truthproductions, and @saramiller to get a more comprehensive taste of the power  that comes from within.

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I just took a listen- what a group! Your daughter and the gals are fabulous!

Thanks @gardenlady. It's really great to see all their efforts paying off in a fun, lucrative and passionate way. Thanks for stopping by to enjoy them.