in education •  7 years ago 

I thought I was fortunate to win a place in a very high class private school in Essex.
I was a little discombobulated to discover that my fellow students were far from welcoming.
Condescending is an understatement. I won my place at that school on a bursary & it was very hard to get into it too.
From day one, when I was only 10 years old, I was criticised for my cockney accent & they called me "guttersnipe" - I had enough within the first week & slammed a desk shut narrowly missed one girl's fingers. Then I threw her posh basket of books & papers out of the open classroom window.
They stopped their shite after that & from the 3rd year onwards I was so popular or feared (I was never quite sure which it was!) that I was voted to be the form captain - 4 years consecutively.
I was often in the top 5 in all subjects but particularly in sports.
They were weak as kittens & very reluctant to try physically challenging stuff.
I noticed that they often seemed to have migraines & period pains as their excuse for not going outside.
I, meanwhile, was very brown because I played tennis representing the school, swam in the outdoor pool 3 times a day (training) & played in all the teams like hockey, netball & rounders.
One year I represented our school at an inter-school event in running, hurdles, javelin, discus, high jump. long jump & cross country.
You have no idea how wimpy the wealthy are physically.
In academia studies they were inclined to be very lazy too.
I would spend hours in the library doing background research to make my work more original.
They would quote from our textbooks.... gives you a clue to what we working class people are dealing with. We can easily overcome them & they know it. Hence the police are more inclined to protect them against us, in fact that was why the police were established in the first place!

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