Teaching can be dangerous sometimes!

in education •  8 years ago 


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Today in class we had a very interesting class conversation about pets. We also discussed the various types of pets that we can keep, and I came to the conclusion that my idea of a pet, is definitely not the same as these of my students.  We were somehow NOT on the same wavelength. For me, a pet is an animal that you can cuddle and play with.  A kitten or a puppy and even a bunny seems like the perfect pet, but no...not what my students had in mind.  


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Apparently I am old fashioned.  Modern pets don't bark or meow or hop. They crawl and hiss and jump. Exotic pets they called it.  

In a class of 27 students, we had four snakes, three spiders, two rats, two hedgehogs (Although one hedgehog died, which I think was a mistaken "hibernation" death) and believe it or not... one frog, two bearded dragons, two hamsters, and one parrot. The rest did not have pets.  

I was amazed.  Firstly because not even one child had a cat or a dog, or even a little bunny. What amazed me even more was the type of pets that the children kept.  

How exactly do you play with a snake or a rat or a spider?  It might be fun to have a frog or a hamster, and even a parrot, but ultimately what do you do with a frog, rat, bearded dragon or a hedgehog


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I am extremely glad that it was not a show and tell! That would have caused a circus in class. I am not the biggest fan of snakes and can you imagine if those snakes got loose and ate the rats?

A few years ago, I had a show and tell  in Science class and one child asked his mom to bring HER snakes to school...why I agreed to that I don't know, but it literally caused chaos.  In the end I was the one standing outside the classroom while she showed the snakes to the class. Like I said, NOT the biggest fan of snakes! 

The snakes she brought to class looked similar to this snake....and yes, I don't care if it is poisonous or not, I don't like snakes.


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In the end, we all learned something, and I guess that you are never too old to learn something new! 

Do you keep any funny creatures in your home, or does your child own any type of exotic pet? 

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Than bunny is just toooo cute!

My friend breeds hedgehogs. She is licensed by the state to breed and sell them as pets. I'd never heard of hedgehogs as pets until her. She's also a photographer so she gets them to dress up in costumes for pictures. Apparently they are fun pets to have. I myself am partial to bunnies and cats.

In my classroom we have a pet gerbil. The kids really wanted a snake and/or a rat and I was not having any part in that. I don't get these exotic peers though, maybe it is a status symbol or something.

I don't get it either...how weird is that. We grew up with cats and dogs and now we are out-fashioned by snakes and spiders...lol

Before I moved over to Special Ed I taught Grade 1's and they are all just to eager to bring their pets. Luckily in the north of Namibia we had a crocodile farm so each year when this topic came up we organized and outing to the crocodile farm. Old Jan, as they called the guide, where just to eager to take these kids through the farm and show them all the types of crocodiles, turtles etc that they had on the farm. This thankfully stopped any craziness from happening at the school.

Ha ha I would not survive with the grade one's... I absolutely struggle with the smaller kids and much rather teach the older kids. With them you can tell them straight what you think lol!

Haha. Thats why each of us have our preferences and are not the same.

My middle school science class had a snake, hamster and fish. I've only have cats or dogs in my my home

We once had a fish and a hamster but only left with one cat and a few dogs.

Each to his own I guess - this made me laugh - I love all animals but prefer my pets fluffy and soft

I do too....cuddly and fluffy and cute.

I wouldn't even be outside, lol. I would be missing!

I was missing in that class...lol

Cute response, that made me laugh! :)

Great article giantbear!
My daughter took part in a class project like that when she was in the 8th grade. After class, one of her classmates was going to flush her "pet," down the toilet, and she saw it and asked her if she could have it. It was a water frog.

She is 30 years old now, and that frog is still living! We bought her goldfish over her growing up years and they have a very short lifespan, but who knew that water frogs live so long?

Oh my greatness...how weird is that...I bought my son two goldfish and explained to him how to look after them. A week later one died, and he came back telling me "mom, you bought an old fish, as the one fish died of old age now..." I will never forget that.

Ha ha ha! Kids are great.

No animals for me. Got plenty with all my daughter's stuffed animals LOL :)

I have a little Yorkie and he is the cutest thing on earth. He is like my baby. Recently my husband ...yes...my husband also wanted one so I bought him one and guess who looks after the little rascal. She is the most naughtiest puppy I have ever seen!

I love animals, I had a raccoon as a kid and a Wolf as an adult.
Blessings to you!!

Wonderful, must have been cool to have a raccoon...what did you feed the wolf?

Hazel had begged the last two years for a tarantula (she's only 6) and I keep telling her not in my house, but when you have your own house you can have whatever pet you'd like. At the moment we have a hamster that has many crazy near death adventures courtesy of Hazel.