If you are one of the people who live constantly complaining about how bad the world is, your country and its people, you should read these lines ...
Do you think that this way you contribute to a better world? Do you think that criticism generates positive changes in you and in society?
Friends, these lines aim to create reflection in all of you, as part of my contribution in seeking a better society for all.
If you answered my questions, I do not have much to investigate to know your answers, we know that criticizing is your way of express your dissatisfaction, and we also know that it does not generate any benefit for anyone.
It is time to make simple changes in what we say and do, and behave as we would like to be treated by others.

Exalting the negative of your country and its people will not make the country prosper and change. And what if we talk about the good, about all those honest, hard-working and qualified people, who every day opt for a better country. Count how many good people you know, recognize their virtues and their contributions to the society in which you develop.
The good guys are the majority, and if you're reading this, you're one of the good guys, and if all our get up we for show how good we are; Imagine for a moment the benefits you would bring to your life, with only a small change of attitude.

We are an example and can be agents of small changes but at the same time transcendental and significant to improve the world in which we live.
We live saying that values have been lost, who should we blame for this? If it is the family who educates in values, you are part of a family, then do not complain and start from your home, living in values; for this reason, from these lines I will begin to publish some articles about values and their importance for a society full of excellent citizens.

Friends thank you for reading my lines, I hope I have created a point of reflection in you, I would like to know your opinion about this post and the values, Which is the most important for you and why?.
Based on your opinion I will start my next publication, LIVING IN VALUES # 1.

This is my third publication in English, any suggestion would be a great contribution for future publication in English.
Until the next post, meanwhile, and as always have a wonderful day and "Total happiness for all".