Speed Reading- Can It Be That Easy?

in education •  9 years ago 

We learned our basic reading skills in the first grade pointing our finger over and sounding out the word. As time passed we no longer needed the finger pointer and we could comfortably read the words out load but also silently in our own head. Presto- we can read. Most of us can attest that reading is a powerful skill and could not fathom the idea of not having it.

Unfortunately most are still reading by speaking the words aloud in our head. It was the trick we learned in elementary school and what a splendid trick it was. But this simple trick now prevents your reading skill from improving beyond basic. Simply put- no one ever told us that we should take the training wheels off. What a scary thought.

The average American reads at approximately 200 words per minute, which is slightly above your speaking speed. Yes! You can read! Congratulations for that. It is truly ingenious; this ability to recognize these markings on a page and process information this way. The human brain is incredible. Yet it is far more incredible than you imagine. We advance through the years in education, taking mathematics as an example; with adding subtraction moving to multiplication. Each year we progress our studies to algebra and geometry; while we ceased any progression in reading skills after basic. Most believe you must possess an above average IQ to speed read- false. Most believe it takes years to be able to do that- false. If I were to guess at what age this should have been introduced in the education system; I would say middle school. Therefore, if you have a minimum of a 7th grade education you are smart enough to begin. It won’t take years. How long did it take to master multiplication? Well this is easier than that. And if you have children, I would withhold the ability to drive a car as incentive to insure this skill was achieved to aide in your child’s success in life.

I am here to tell you that you should consider shucking off those training wheels and ride with those of us that have. Best of all, ITS EASY- ITS FREE

People think I must be a genius to read that fast. It was a strange phenomenon how people reacted to my new found skill. I’m not just talking about the next door neighbor, but work colleagues, and supervisors now took notice of me. I stepped away from the average crowd and was suddenly in the exceptional crowd. I kept my secret for a long time. Being exceptional felt great; partly because those around me were not. People genuinely believed I was smarter than the average Joe, and I liked it. But I am not smarter than anyone else here. I am not exceptional. I am just the smuck who found the free speed reading courses online, and took advantage of them. I do firmly believe my career would not have been as successful had it not been for doing this one thing.

This is not my video. I have no connection to it other than saying; it is an excellent starting place, in my opinion. There are many out there. Some are free as well as sites that charge you a fee. I was broke when I stumbled upon them, and the free ones work just fine. I firmly believe learning to read should always be free. Be advised- there is homework. Just like first grade, you had to do that practice reading to improve your reading skill. Good News! You are in the perfect place for that, and hey, you’re here at Steemit reading anyway. WIN-WIN You have absolutely nothing to lose.

If you’re still not sure if this is right for you, at least watch the video and calculate your reading speed. Are you curious? It is just 8 minutes out of your life.

Now use you-tube to search speed reading to find a wide variety of FREE instructors, waiting just for you. Never underestimate KNOWLEDGE is POWER.

P.S. You are going to look so cool without those training wheels.

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I've been using Spritz (www.spritzinc.com) and a couple similar android applications (like Balto Speed Reading) for speed reading web sites and PDF files for a couple years. It's interesting. It changes the experience of reading almost into one of watching a video. You really have to stay focused, though. It's not easy to recover after you've been distracted.

I wrote this on the topic a while back - http://chescosteve.blogspot.com/2015/11/technology-review-spritz-year-and-half.html

So would you say it changed your life in any way?

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Mostly, it makes leisure reading on the train faster when commuting to/from the office. Unfortunately, it's not great for academic or technical articles, which is where I had really hoped to benefit when I got started. Citations ruin the flow and charts/graphs can't be viewed in a speed reading app.

Good tools for the tool box, but you have to pick and choose when you use them.

Update: OTOH, if I watch your video, maybe I'll learn some techniques that will work even with citations, charts, and graphs. Haven't watched it yet, but I've saved the link.

Speed reading is something I've wanted to do for a while now. Checking out your links too.

Well said, and I agree there should be further teaching in school concerning this. After they teach us to read they never expand on it. Sure they teach us more vocabulary and writing techniques but the actual skill of reading it self falls to the wayside after 1st or 2nd grade with little effort going in to improving what we have learned.