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Thanks Joan. I always like to be a good example for others :)

Your use of name is the best, both in being personal and a catchy name that sticks Colin.

Thanks very much. This was very helpful. I just created and steemit account. I should have read known this sooner.

If you really need or want to change @gohomestead I found this article that may help

Nice article! Funny you used @sydesjokes as an example, he was one of the first people I found here.

Been friends online for sometime @herbertholmes and he got using a name right.

Many people need to know this information for sure.

Will post it into @steemthat as well, ran out of time to get it right this time.

Tenacious. - Mention My Name To Start A Rowdy Conversation @binkley

Nice vote

Hope it is helpful @fatogunalex

Im entertained by its content. Thank you for sharing :)

Information to remember when friends ask to join @marylizacaindoy appreciate your comment.

I have two nicknames which are the ones I always use. In fact I am now using just gduran, I am slowly removing the other one.

Due to a well known and very computer savvy author in the USA I struggled with the name, in Twitter I had to use @joanstewart1 since she had already taken and used @joanstewart, plus I had a blog under another name.

thank you for the great advice!

Starting point for new arrivals @bojakcates

Nice... Thanks for sharing

Information to assist when helping others interested in joining social media @kamimorrow

you definitely make some good points here ;)

Thanks for visit and comment @darkblack

Nice article

Have a wonderful day @ianstevson

interesting post...

Your visit is appreciated @sorryjako

Oh I should have read this before create username but I'm okay now but this is really helpful! :)

Cheers from Kryptonia!

Inviting friends into social media, a little something to keep in mind @itsjessamae

Yup. Got that!

Good article. Your guideline is basically a longer time. In important places, I still have the same nickname

I have ended up with 3 names online and have witnessed how much easier it is if you just use 1 especially when you start @bucipuci

;-). bucipuci is my nick for at least 10 years.

It's a good tip. Thanks for sharing

Glad you found it interesting @karinzdailygrind

I forgot all about Namech_k. I could have used it the other day! Thanks for reminding me.

They have been around for a long time, has always worked pretty neat.

As I said before, a brilliant post Lady Joan! Fortunately we don't struggle with our media moniker and it's also very descriptive! Deserves an upvote!

When assisting youth at the charity to develop online identities the links in the article are freely available for part of learning @papilloncharity, and yes your name selection is very befitting what you do.

Will keep this in mind Lady Joan! Thank you!

Thanks for the info.

You welcome @arnelpancho

Very good idea to use the same name so that you will be recognised easily!

It helps in more ways than one @dianadee thank you for your support and comment.

Only a pleasure!

I believe the name's Zuma or Malema are not among the more popular choices?

Jokes aside, I see you have put a lot of work and research into this, Well done!

May not be popular, bet you find them on a g search LOL....

Thanks for comment, brought a smile to the dial.

lovely post

Hope it helps @crytocheta when helping others to join up.