#weknowcisco tech ninjas build a new ChromeOS Lab!
— Kieran Nolan (@kdnolanT) June 14, 2018
#weknowcisco Tech Ninja Lab is a go! - The wpps tech ninjas have built a new ChomeOS Lab for the year 4 unit! Woohoo!! pic.twitter.com/rNPj64bMLZ
Tom LEADS Cisco!
Wendy Li-Siaw LOVES Wooranna
"Wendy Li-Siaw Client side campus transformation consultant leading change in learning practices through space and technology 3w I had the pleasure of meeting three very inspiring year 4 students from Wooranna Park Primary School ( https://lnkd.in/gpWBGPp) at North Dandenong last week. Akira, Sienna and Kynan gave me a tour of their non conventional school where digital learning and technologies form an integrated part in their core curriculum. Formal learning for all levels ( K- 6) are being delivered in open spaces/ zones . They have access to computer clusters within their learning environment. Students learn 21 century skills such as creative problem solving, collaboration, communication, presentation through coding and robotics programming, virtual reality content creation, global access to other schools through video conferencing, 3D designing and creation. They even have their own zoo as part of their sustainability program! It takes a true leader to implement what others aspire to! This is how all learning should be. Kieran Nolan"
https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6405292452323958785 https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6406001609763098624
Seth makes the Daily Mail UK!
— Kieran Nolan (@kdnolanT) June 6, 2018
Boy, 9, with high IQ reprimands his father over his grammar on TV https://t.co/t4CGJkhJCQ via @MailOnline
Agent of Change - Lizzie Maroney - WoorannaPark
Kieran & Matt talk RocketShoes project on EDJ Podcast Episode #10
— Dennis Pavlyuk (@DennisPavlyuk) June 6, 2018
RocketShoes: The IPFS for Educationhttps://t.co/JtIM0sUmMJ
RocketShoes community fund project launches! - ( Wooranna Enigma Missions)
Wooranna pwns EduTech2018
https://twitter.com/iMerinet/status/1005042410869555201 https://twitter.com/iMerinet/status/1004630296002625536 https://twitter.com/kdnolanT/status/1004658491586314240 https://twitter.com/jennyluca/status/1004907186248544256
Seth on Insight SBS:
https://www.sbs.com.au/news/insight/tvepisode/screens-schoolProfessor Matt Riddle LOVES Wooranna
Kieran RUNS CoderDojo
Megan ROCKS CodeClub!