Granting opportunity should not be at the cost of reducing future prosperity.

in education •  4 years ago 


  1. Again and again, I see ads for colleges that feature black students. Again and again I hear politicians talk about how we need to make sure black students have an equal chance to get degrees and have futures and access the structures so their dreams can come true. (I generally do not object to this thought, as long as other students -- Asians for example -- aren't singled out for punitive treatment to make space for students with poorer academic records who are less qualified. This, I fear, leads to engineers who build flawed bridges, surgeons who make errors that harm people, etc. Objective harm to society results from deliberately promoting the lesser students. We cannot forget that part.)

  2. Again and again, choices are made by leadership which harm, wreck, destroy the economy and the structure of society. The middle class has been gutted by covid restrictions, going all the way back to Walmart open but mom and pop bars and restaurants closed. The big companies were deliberately NOT harmed, especially those with Chinese suppliers, like Walmart. But the enterprises of the middle class, small business, was ruined. And as long as these policies govern us, there won't be a comeback.


We are to give formerly oppressed minorities access to... what? A destroyed middle class economy? A much more difficult prospect of success and prosperity?

On the one hand, we are oppressing minorities by denying them access to prosperity.

On the other, we are RUINING prosperity, for EVERYONE, INCLUDING the future class of prepared, educated, ready-to-win minority young people. There will be no American dream for ANY of them, because the left DESPISES the American dream.

Do you think young black people understand that the same left that is making a big show out of trying to improve their chances of success is DESTROYING the success they are supposed to join?

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