The hypocrisy of teacher's unions.

in education •  4 years ago 


If you self-identify anywhere on the socialist spectrum and you're supporting teacher's unions refusing to go back to in-person schooling due to Covid, please take a moment to recognize that you're a raging hypocrite.

You're not just saying, "Fuck poor people." you're saying, "Fuck anybody who isn't swimming in money."

Even FDR was opposed to public sector unions by the way

Most self-identified socialists believe in publicly funded daycare too. That's basically what K-12 schooling is to begin with; but, even if you disagree with that assessment, in order to be logically consistent, you would have to believe that public daycare workers should have the same right to not go to work while still taking home a paycheck.

What that's doing is forcing parents to stay at home and make sure that their kids are logging into their zoom classes all day.

Most of you are probably people who are regularly complaining that, even before the pandemic, households couldn't rely on only one income. Most of you also slavishly supported the lockdowns which drove millions of people into unemployment.

Okay, so, you're working a job that you can't do remotely, mostly blue collar jobs, you have a seven year-old kid and you need to go to work. "Fuck you. Your kid's teacher has an irrational fear; so, you have to stay home with your kid all day and risk not paying the mortgage."

You work a night shift? "Fuck you. You can't sleep during the day because you have to stay up with your kid and keep tabs on your kid all day because his or her teacher has an irrational fear."

If all our tax dollars were going to were to pay people to teach our kids reading, writing, science, and math, we'd still be pissing away our money; but, at least the push to keep kids home and learning online would make a little bit of sense. That's not what we're paying for. We're paying for the ability to leave our kids in a safe place while we go to work and provide for them when they come home.

Yes, ideally we wouldn't have kids unless we have a stable household and one parent has the income to provide for the family. That's one of the reasons why I don't have kids and I fastidiously practice safe sex. I also live in the real world and know that people seldom wait until they're financially stable to have kids. If anything, the narrative of the self-identified socialists is pushing against the nuclear family and the personal responsibility that goes along with the reproductive act.

So, yeah, taking the side of the teacher's unions at this time is to look at a single mother of two who is trying to work two jobs to make ends meet and flip her the bird.

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