I know many of us are interested in free (both "liberty" and "costless" meanings) knowledge, and recently I found out this page that I found interesting: Free-eboks.net
Here you will find, among a huge variety of topics, ebooks and audiobooks. They have versions in Spanish and Portuguese as well
5 free ebooks per month
Once you are registered, you'll be able to download freely 5 ebooks per month, buuuuuuuut, if you're bilingual you could download 5 in EN + 5 in ES or 5 EN+5PT or 5ES+5PT, and if speak the three languages (or more) then you will have access to 15 books per month to enjoy them
Content and variety
Just look the amount of topics this page has (see next picture), I think it's self explanatory the variety of subjects you can find in this place. You want it? you got it! 😉
Upgrade and "donations"
Their philosophy is to promote free knowledge and independent writing publishing for those rookie writers that want to start their careers, so they offer a voluntary fee (on a monthly, annual or single payment basis) in order to get unlimited access to booth ebooks and audiobooks. They also offer bundles of hundreds of books and you pay what you want for them (starting as low as 1 dollar). In that way you can contribute to their project.
If you are an independent amateur writer, I recomend you to give it a try to this platform to start on the publishing world, because who knows if you might be to turn into the next best seller author? 😉