Hi Steemmates!

I'm back again with the tutorial part #5, now we are gonna discuss the topic, on how to make a table. It's not really that hard to make a table, if you're using Editor. I'm going to show you on how to make a table on Editor and raw HTML:
C = Column
R = Row
Heading C1 | Heading C2 | Heading C3 |
Content R1 | Content R1 | Content R1 |
Content R2 | Content R2 | Content R2 |
Content R3 | Content R3 | Content R3 |
Content R4 | Content R4 | Content R4 |
Editor is pretty straight forward, you'll never get lost, when you make a table in Editor. In other hand, HTML is quite hard to explain, but for those people, who have knowledge on Information Technology, HTML is a piece of cake to do.
☺Please don't forget to comment, if you have any questions about my tutorial. ☺