RE: Tired of Your Daughter Watching Vapid Kids Shows? Then Check out Project Mc2

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Tired of Your Daughter Watching Vapid Kids Shows? Then Check out Project Mc2

in education •  8 years ago 

She certainly was a catch. I had two left feet, still do but my buddy was like Mikey from Swingers : ) Fun times!

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"You know what you are? You're like a big bear with claws and with fangs... "

I immediately thought of Swingers when you mentioned swing dancing. This is one of my favorite movies of all time.

Lol! Yes! It was "the" movie during my college years. Geez has it been 20 years? Damn. All growns up and growns up some more. I think it is on Amazon prime video right now. I'm gonna watch some beautiful babies tonight.