RE: “If I live in Shakespeare’s neighborhood, I do not have to visit Pythagoras”

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“If I live in Shakespeare’s neighborhood, I do not have to visit Pythagoras”

in education •  7 years ago 

They have done an amazing job at what you have so eloquently described.
They have turned education into indoctrination. Taking the once, infinite imagination and creation of a young beings mind and molding it into the perfect, obedient, "color-in-the-lines" type mindset.
Later leaving them to wonder, "Why am I so unhappy"

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When Johann Fishte wrote a letter to the German nation in 1807, he said this : "If you want to influence the student at all, you must do more than merely talk to him. You must fashion him. Fashion him in such a way that he simply cannot will otherwise than what you wish him to will."
Guess each and every nation took his advice...