The difference between good and bad

in education •  7 years ago 

As a human society, we have established moral systems since the dawn of our time on Earth. And the early definitions of consciousness have been understood by a part of us as the knowledge of how to act upon a situation, and if it is good or bad for us.

Now,i think that technically, there is no definition of good or bad, but that's just a way of thinking, namely non-dualism. We simply put a limit on what we we're confortable with. This was further generalized with the foundation of the human rights.

But, fundamentally, what we want is just the best for us, and sometimes these moral filters cready by society can really cause anxiety when we try to manifestate a genuine way of being. So I think each of us should live by their own standards as long as they don't cause harm to another person.

Doing what's the best for us isn't always easy nowadays, because with live dominated by the illusion of choice and fake attachment to consumerism. But I think that in our heart we can find our deepest human desires and take the time to follow them, because otherwise it might just be an empty hole that stays in our soul until our death bed.

In education, it's always very complex to try and explain children that nothing is bad or good, and that it depends on the situation, entities involved, and even personal opinion.

So as I referred in my article "A new approach to traditional education", maybe trying to inform our enfants as well and as with much integrity as possible might be the best way to raise someone who can have a critical way of thinking and an ability to judge from different perspectives.

Cheers to freedom!

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We all need to recognize that none of us are that great. What makes the difference is whether or not we are trying to improve. Believe it or not, I think my religious beliefs have helped me more with this than anything. A lot of people think those who are religious are arrogant (and ignorant), and I agree that sometimes is the case, but because I believe in Christ and believe that He suffered for my sins and weaknesses along with those of everyone else, I see that I am no better than anyone else and there are SO many things I can improve. My faith and love for God and His children motivate me to have a purpose in improving... I am learning to see those around me have the same potential I have. There are so many conflicts that would cease if we could just learn to see each other as equals.

Good point! And being humble makes us able to see that unity :) Keep it up mate

Funny that you write about good and bad (evil) on the same day that I responded to a friend that sent me a document that attempted to say that only good exists and that evil is simply the lack of good in the same way that darkness is a lack of light. I responded that this comparison is not a good one because light can be measured with instruments and is a physical quantity of something. Good and evil cannot be measured, and in fact mean different things to different people. One cannot compare good/evil to light/dark, because they are NOT the same. To me, good and evil BOTH do not exist except in our own minds. We are the creators of both good and evil. We can choose what it is we wish to manifest. However, good and evil themselves are simply concepts that we create in our minds. They do not exist on their own and that is why they cannot be measured.

I agree,thanks for adding that.