in education •  7 years ago 

And my uncle once told us that in the 90s, the world was a very sweet place for the elites, it was the era where the fruits of education was instantly manifesting even while one is still at the base of the ladder of education. Then the country was in dire need of educated men and women who will profer solutions to the emerging issues in politics, agriculture, mining, the oil sector, educational sector and lots other areas.
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Then, it was just ""come and go to school"" people were trained in areas where their services are needed and the government was responsible for nearly 100% of the financial cost of training her citizens. What the government wasnt responsible for was one consent to go to school, for as many that disposed themselves to be educated, the government supported them squrely.
Then, such things as free food, books, scholarships abroad was the order of the era... Then it was really really enticing to go to school.
And then we were told that after school, jobs will be searching for one, even before the end of one's schooling, he will be offered part time employment and be absorbed immediately he passes out of school, then the job market was very scanty of job seekers but was saturated with employers. Chai!! Life was really good then!
Now all these good tales ended with the last mellinium, as at the termination of the 90s, things were already taking a different look. By this time, more men were already educated than even the government could absorb and the country was already experiencing the manifestation of the population theory propounded by Malthus some donkey Years ago.
The growing population was never the problem but the lack of change. Adaptation was very slow or perhaps never there. The country still maintained traditional way of educating her citizens, as in those years were every sector was porous as in absorbing virtually every dick and Harry that attended even the least basic school.
And this continued until this time, and our people are still flocking to school to obtain training in the old traditional way that has gone obsolete.
We attend school to cram laws and ideas propounded by some great men centuries ago, we cram theories, we read the story of great scientists and Philosophers of yesteryears without trying to discover new thing. And after all the cramming and passing theory exams, we are given certificates and are branded

""Graduates"" then what next?...
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They flock every nook and cranny of the country in search of jobs whence they have got really nothing new to offer.
My greatest worry is that this trend continues even till today, our people are still been miseducated, misguided, misoriented and majority are heading to a frustrating life (God forbid anyway)
It's therefore hihtime we raised the awareness and educate our youth that change is a constant thing, it's either u adopt to the change by changing your pattern of doing things or you yourself will become obsolete and vestigial, adding no value but more pain to the already suffering world!
Take time to develop your self in any skill even as you go to school (even the great scholars aren't the most successful people)

Embrace changes as often as it comes for adaptation is a neccesary means of survival
Evolve even as the society is evolving... Always be a step ahead or at least in tandem with the societal needs.
Be educated to be empowered and not to serve (for empowerment is the utmost goal of education)
Be hardworking in the right direction (not in cramming books to pass exams ans obtain paper certificates).
And just like in the words of @nobleking, be consistent in doing the right thing.
And above all let save the future of the younger generations by guiding them right in time while the sun still shines.
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Thanks for reading this long text..... All thanks go to @impactb4icome
5th entry!

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