LIVING A LIE? The College ConspiracysteemCreated with Sketch.

in education •  8 years ago 

Living a lie?
College Conspiracy -

The above video, in my opinion, should be watched and taken into serious consideration. It's an hour long, and details the college bubble which is about to burst (much like the semi-recently popped real estate bubble), due to government incompetence. Through faulty programs, unsubstantiated loans, and ludicrous money printing, the united states government has destroyed the free market system surrounding college education and job markets. With ever increasing technology, the price of a college education should be decreasing, and its value increasing, much like the price of computers and plasma televisions of the modern day. Electronic products such as those are not subsidized by the government though, and allow for free market to thrive, bringing competitiveness and true incentive to the market. Our dollar will soon collapse and we will enter the inevitable depression ahead. People of this country no longer know how to do for themselves. A college education is nearly worthless. The opportunity of increased income, comes at an increased cost of tuition and board, and combined with loan interest, book costs, lost income during the repayment period, and laughable chance at finding the high paying job in a market flooded with college graduates with no skills (generally speaking), the promised income increase turns out to be a well played joke that does not exist.

Personally I have had sneaking suspicions that I would do better learning my class material, if I were reading the textbook on my own, page-by-page and working through it, as the authors intended. You probably won't find it hard to believe that this is how most of my learning in class is done; on my own, in my room or the library, with my textbook that I own. When you get down to it, the classes are a good resource, but play a minimal part in my ability to comprehend, retain, and understand the concepts and methods put forth. I find learning done for class is unmotivating, adverse, and tends to make me averse to learning. Fortunately my natural passion and willingness to seek out new and interesting knowledge has kept me afloat, and is the ultimate reason I end up learning anything. I do my best learning by my own choice and desire, independent of college assignments, and when my self is presented with knowledge through this format, I become quite the opposite of averse. When teaching myself new things just because I want to (which by the way is very often [Thank you Internet/books]) what I become is eager, and even aggressive in my desire and passion for learning. I have no doubt I would not sink on my own in the world. I have strong need to better my environment around me, to retain and re-purpose resources. My point is if I have any say, my life can not dead end; It's not who I am.

My more encompassing point is that the information presented in the above video has stated clearly thoughts of my own that I have been struggling to organize. As one starts their life, work a job, invest, develop an entrepreneurial business through your own to contribute something useful and creative to the world. With websites like Ebay, Amazon, Kickstarter, Steemit, etc, it becomes possible to realistically create your own job with minimal overhead costs. At some point we have to grow into our adult nature, and I believe ones potential may be better reached through their own volition, not through a contrived fallacy that is our economic and education sectors.

I welcome any feedback, as this idea is still just an idea, and if we are to grow we must always consider the options;
Always consider the options.

Thanks for reading, and dedicate an hour to the video. Seriously. ^_^

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One is not worth a college degree. Experience and attitude is much more important.
Good post :)

I always think about older generations that were able to work a couple jobs, and pay for school, while raising six kids, and I in the world. But pre-bubble, college was actually reasonably priced. And there's such a goal focused mentality in schools, that the journey of learning, the path to the goal, is glossed over in favor of cramming and memorization. Very little true learning is done. Its heartbreaking.