The more I look around me, the more I see the value of education.
We thought it's modernization that's killing people, eating up people's jobs, and making them homeless.
But it's the lack of knowledge. I see so many talented people around me working for a mere amount of money just to survive.
I see so many people going homeless, dying on an empty stomach, and blaming others for their situation.
I see people working their whole lives just so they can have something to eat, so that their children don't sleep on an empty stomach.
And I think is it really anyone's fault that people are going through all this. Is it due to modernization, corruption, or any of that?.
But, after seeing all this, I feel blessed that I am educated and that at least I can see and think about these problems because the people that are facing all this neither have time nor knowledge to do so.
And I can see that the problem is education. Education is not about speaking English fluently or being able to read or write. It's about the knowledge that you get out of it, the power to deduce what's the problem, to think about them, and to be able to solve them. To have the power to think.
"Education,", some may say, translates to formal education—the ability to go to a formal school or college and excel at studies—and yet we see leaders, influencers, and people with power with little or no formal education.
Education, in my opinion, translates as the ability to be able to analyse your surroundings and your problems and produce solutions.
I would love to hear your thoughts about this in the comments.
Also, I would like to invite anyone suffering from insomnia or lack of focus to my YouTube channel, which I created to help people like me.