Empowerment-based Development

in education •  7 years ago  (edited)

A quality development begins with a community consultation aimed at increasing community participation in each development itself. In the empowerment program this mechanism must be implemented starting with the idea of ​​development, planning, supervision to maintenance.
For the community involved they in the planning phase have more meaning, they feel that the development comes from and for themselves.
Even in the planning stages the people need to be involved because they know the most terrain and those who understand best what they want.
Maintenance is also very important because without the maintenance of all the development will be in vain. It is a piece of the story of an empowerment I have done in my region.
Follow me @ziaulhaqnsm

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salam @tksknisam

Pue reh ta komen.....????? Kakeuh mantap ajue meunan😂😂😂😂😂😂

Komen ju... Hana lon flek bek yoe neuh...